Chapter 7: Fresh Ice

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Another moment of silence passed, than I laughed “You’re pretty strange, you know that?” I started walking around him, shoes clicking together in my hand. “So which way to this place?” When I looked behind me he was standing a few feet away with a disapproving look on his face.

“It seems like you aren’t giving me a choice.”


Before I had any idea of what was going on, he bent down and threw me over his shoulder in traditional caveman style. All the air gushed out of me and it took me a moment before I could start protesting. By that point he had already started walking.

“Put me down!” I said whacking him in the back.

“Only if you put your shoes back on,” he said in a calm voice.

“I don’t want to. They were hurting my feet.”

“In that case I don’t want to put you down,” he replied in a serious tone.

In that moment I was struck by oh immature his words sound, but I couldn’t doubt the tone he said it in. He really wasn’t going to put me down unless I put my shoes on. “You don’t understand how much these shoes hurt,” I said looking at them dangle in my hand.

“Why’d you wear them then?”

“My friend made me.”

“Doesn’t sound like a nice friend.”

I sighed, I should be embarrassed, right now though, I couldn’t seem to care that much. For a moment I just stayed there feeling the gentle sway as he walked. A few moments passed in silence.

“Will you put me down now?”

“Will you put your shoes on?”

I let out an aggravated noise.

“I’ll take that as a no,” he said then stopped walking. “Well, since we’re here I might as well take you to a table.”

“What?” I said pushing off his back to see over his shoulder. We were in front of a small place. It was dim inside, some of the lights turned out. Big letter sat on top of the place reading: Fresh Ice.

“Is this the place?” I asked.

“Yup,” he said simply then pushed open the door and walked into the place leaving me no time to protest. I’m sure my face started turning red at the thought of being carried into a public place like this.

Before I knew it he was putting me down in a small booth. I glanced around, but we were the only people in the place besides the person behind the counter, but their back was too us. This late at night I suppose that should be expected. Actually, this late at night an ice cream place shouldn’t even be open.  

“So what do you want?” he said sliding into the seat across from me.

It was then that I realized didn’t have my wallet, or even my phone. There was a moment of panic where I tried to remember where I left it.

“What’s wrong?” he asked catching my look.

I didn’t answer right away as I tried to mentally track all the places I’d been tonight. When I first left the club to get some air I didn’t have my bag with me. I didn’t have it when I was sitting inside either. So where was it? That room Kim had taken me too, I left it there. My heart calmed, my stuff would probably be safe there. Kim said only she had access to that room.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I just forgot . . . everything?”

He gave me a confused look.

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