Chapter 29

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The war was over and Urahara kept his side of the bargian and created a Gigai like Madara's for Grimmjow.

,,Let me tell you once more: This is the only Gigai you will get, so you will die with it. Are you really fine with it?", Kisuke wanted to be sure.

,,Aye. I don't want to live in Hueco Mundo for eternity.", the blue-haired grumped.

Meanwhile Toshiro wanted to talk to you.

,,Head-taichou Kyouraku informed me about your new duty.", he spoke sternly.

,,Hm?", your eyes opened widely.

,,You have to take care of Grimmjow Jaggerjack in the world of the living.", he informed you.

,,Why in the world of the living?", you wondered while trying to handle this information.

,,At this moment Urahara ist creating a Gigai similar to the one's you created for Madara with Kurotsuchi", he informed you with closed eyes.

,,Seems like some fragments of his genetics are including Chakra as well. So he could have been a Shinobi like you.", he continued then thoughtful.

So you really were right. You were sure all the time, but to know it exactly made you feel relieved. So Grimmjow really was Jou. Then you thought about that Toshiro should be able to get such a Gigai, too. But then you realized that he of course knew it by himself. So you didn't talk about it.

,,But why shall I take care of him?", you asked then shyly.

,,He still can be dangerous, we need someone who can handle him. You are strong enough, you know him and even so.. you are a human. You wanted to stay here to study all about your timeline. I think you've finished it for a while, am I right? Both of us knew that this day will come.", he watched you with sad eyes.

You could't find any words, you just escaped his eyes and watched the ground.

,,I just didn't thought it would come to an end so suddenly.", he sighed sadly while closing his eyes.

,,Toshiro..", you faced him with bleary eyes.

The white-haired boy wanted to be close to you so much. But he feard that it would make everything harder. So he just stood there and did nothing. He froze and widened his eyes, when you hugged him suddenly. But then he wrapped his arms around you quickly and began to smile. You couldn't hold back your tears which made him holding you even tighter. You just stood there arm in arm without saying anything.

You stood next to Grimmjow infront of the Senkaimon to enter the world of the living. You noticed someone behind you and turned around to look into emerald eyes.

,,Toshiro?", your eyes opened widely.

,,Do you think you can leave without being adopted by your Taichou?", he smirked with crossed arms.

,,Oi! Can we go now?", Grimmjow roared then grumpy.

,,Go ahead, please.", you smiled at him.

,,Sure.", he raised an eyebrow.

,,I'm really bad with this.", the white-haired turned his head away.

,,I'm sure we will meet again. It was an honour to work under you.", you saluted smiling to cheer him up.

He just gave you a warm smile.

,,Goodbye.", he said then and kissed you on the forehead which coloured your cheeks in a light red.

,,Take care of Hinamori-san. She will need you more then before.", you broke the silence and started to leave.

,,Aye..", he watched after you with warm eyes.



You landed in the sky next to Grimmjow and watched the roofs of the town.

,,So.. Where shall we go?", the blue-haired smirked.

,,Hm? What is it?", he raised an eyebrow when he noticed you were starring at him.

,,It's even kind of strange to see you without your mask.", you watched him with big eyes.

,,It's not that it's gone forever.", he stroked over his face to let his hollowmask appear.

,,I see.", you grinned lowly and closed your eyes.

The whole time you spend with Grimmjow you couldn't hold back hoping, he could be Jou again. But now you were glad that he still is Grimmjow Jaggerjack, who he will ever be.

,,So you are really fine with leaving back this white-haired brat?", he suddenly broke the silence and just watched the horizon.

,,I'm glad I could finally came to know him better. So it's allright.", you smiled at the sky.

Grimmjow watched you and couldn't find anything to say.

,,Even so, it can't be denied that someone has to lay an eye on you, Grimmjow Jaggerjack.", you smirked at him with sharp eyes.

,,Che.", he just smirked back.

,,I hope you copied a lot of my skills.", he was looking forward of learning how to use Ninjutsu.

,,A few I should remeber.", you just teased him.

Then you two sonidoed away to start a new life in the world of the living, as the last Shinobi.


You thought..


Till I Collapse - Toshiro X Reader OC X Grimmjow [ENDED]Where stories live. Discover now