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Chapter 3

The door suddenly opened and I instantly closed all the tabs on the browser. If I am caught browsing on the internet while stalking my boss, it would be both awkward and at the same time irresponsible since I am breaking a company law.

"We're going out for lunch." He said as a matter of fact but that statement alone deviates what's written on his planner.

"But sir..."

"You know the drill." Before I could even inquire he snaked his arm around Maddison and the woman child inclined her head towards Mr. Black and started to giggle like a little girl who was just given a candy.

Fine. The drill. Cancel, Reschedule, Forestall.

A few minutes after they have left, a man in a suit approached my table.

"I'm here to see Mr. Black." I looked up and saw a man with the same age group as Mr. Black. He sure does look familiar. I think I saw him before somewhere.

"And you are?" I asked with a smile like I used to when I asked people of they would like to eat.

"I'm Hector." he replied.

Hector... Is it possible that...

"Hector Mason." he repeated when he noticed that I was suddenly preoccupied.

"Oh yes. Mr. Mason." I said when I saw his name on Mr. Black's calendar.

"I'm sorry but Mr. Black is out of the office right."

"Oh is that so?" he asked amused and went ahead to open Mr. Black's office. Ugh. Why do people never believe me. Is barging in to Mr. Black's office the norm here? I was not informed.

"Wow! I didn't notice that Mr. Black is in his office right now. He must be a magician!" I exclaimed sarcastically. First that woman child and now him.

"Fine! I'm sorry but I have a scheduled meeting with him today. And I know how he usually makes excuses to cancel his meetings."

"I"m sorry too for being unprofessional. It's just that you're the second person who tried to claw his way in to Mr. Black's office this day." I apologized since I realized he must be some important person and I acted in a childish way.

"It's fine really I know that you're just doing what you're told to do. By the way, where is he?"

"He's with his girlfriend. Would you like to wait?"

"Ahhh. Madison. Yeah sure. I need to talk to him."

I offered him to take a seat and asked if he wants anything like coffee or water but he said no. He just sat down and kept himself busy with his phone. I continued to rearrange the annual summary report that Mr. Black gave to me yesterday and I'm still on page 263 when he approached my table. He probably got bored or something. I mean who wouldn't? It's almost an hour when he got here.

"It's a bit weird but you're the first male secretary he ever had." he said in a way that it means something.

"And your point being?" I bit my tongue for the second time. Damn. I can't stop myself from being tactless. I should stop my habit of talking like I'm still a waiter who needs to deal with unreasonable people. "It's not Mr. Black who hired me. It was... a middle aged man." I realized I didn't know the name of the one who recruited me here. I just know his face but not his name. Everything happened so fast.

"Hmm. Interesting, I usually see different girls in your chair probably every week."

"Did you know that your name sounds like a famous pornstar?"

"Haha. Funny. You're not the first person who said that to me."

He is a friendly man, I can feel it but there's something about him like I've seen him before. It's not like he is...

"That's it! You're Hector Mason!" I cried when I laid my eyes on my computer.

"Yeah. I said my name a while ago. Are you that slow?" he replied jokingly.

"No. I mean the Hector Mason who is looking for a beautiful heart and is attracted to intellect." He thought about this for a second until he chuckled.

"Oh God. Attractive businessmen that will surely make you thirstyyy. I didn't know you're into that kind of articles. Crap! I remembered when that article came out, hundreds of fanmail flooded my office for the whole month." he was laughing when he recalled the article that I just read.

"Not to hurt your ego but I just read that article because I was doing some research about Mr. Black." I retorted.

"And why is that may I ask? Do you have a crush on your boss ey?" he winked at me and wiggled his eyebrows like I have some major crush on Mr. Black. Fuck no!

"The f? No I don't. I just realized I never know shit about my boss when Madison mentioned his first name." I don't have a boss complex fetish. I'm fuckin asexual!

"Really? No! You're kidding me. Everybody knows who Magnus is." when he saw me being serious he sounded more shocked than before. "What? Really? He has a high profile relationship with Madison and a presentable face on the media."

"So are you saying that the both of you are famous? I don't believe that businessmen are even famous to the masses not unless you're in a novel or a movie." Or maybe Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerburg but they are not considered as celebrities.

"Have you seen Magnus? He looks like a movie star. Who doesn't love attractive people with money? He's actually very popular to ladies with daddy issues."

I took a second look at him from head to foot.

"Yo! Are you saying that I'm not atttactive?" he asked and flashed his killer smile to me.

"That's not my point. I am not really attracted to anyone. Besides, I grew up in the country. Away from the city. There's more important things than knowing who's famous or not. You keep yourself busy by surviving. Life's that simple."

Based on his expression, he looks like he just heard something interesting. Goodness rich people. Maybe I should build a theme park wherein I charge a load of bucks to rich people so that they can experience the humdrum life of being poor.

"Okay..." he said in surrender.

I heard the beeping of the elevator indicating that Mr. Black is here. True enough he came out with Madison on his side, her hands wrapped around his right arm.

"Hey Magnus! How dare you cancel your appointment with me?" Hector greeted them in a cheerful manner but Mr. Black does not look pleased. When did he looked happy? Maybe never. His heart is made of stone.

"Something important came up." he replied flatly.

"Ohoho. Sure sure. Hello Maddy!"

"Hi! Looking good there Hector."

"Hey Magnus, you'll never believe what your sercretary told me." I turned my attention to them because I became the subject of their conversation but before I could even listen to their conversation they already went inside Mr. Black's office. Dammit!

The Mysterious Mr. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now