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Chapter 12

The reason why Mr. Black dragged me into this meeting I didn't know. I don't have a freaking clue on what to do here. I have no voting power, the corporate secretary is taking the minutes of the meeting. I literally have nothing to do except maybe create my own version of the minutes and take some personal notes for Magnus Black's reference. The only problem is that, I never knew anyone's name here except for Magnus Black and Bennett Black. So you know, I did the most reasonable thing to do, give them all nicknames.

Fat businessman #1, Fat businessman #2, Mustache, Mr. Clean, Squidward, Loudmouth, Weird Beard, and so on...

At around 10:07, Squidward provided an update on the sales progress of the company which was questioned by Mr. Clean. Loudmouth decided to butt in and asked some questions regarding the CEO report which was finished like an hour ago. Fat businessman #1 reiterated some information stated earlier... [a doodle of lines]

What the fuck am I doing? I came into a resolution to stop what I'm doing and just listen to them talk about business and money. After a couple hours of mind-numbing presentation of figures and numbers, the meeting was finally adjourned. Everyone went out of the office except for Magnus and I.

Mr. Black still looks gloomy. I noticed during the meeting that his father was constantly challenging his performance and probing every figures down to the last cent. I wonder what the deal with them is.

"I noticed you stopped listening at the middle of the meeting." Mr. Black stated casually. Thank god there's only one Mr. Black here so I can call him that.

"No. I listened to the report until the very end." Which was true. I never stopped listening to them talk about business and money. The only thing I stopped doing was to take down some notes.

"I want to see your notes."

"I'll give them to you after I have encoded them."

"Give me that!" without a warning, he snatched the pad from my hand.

"No!" I tried to get it back but it was already too late since he saw my scribbles and caricatures on the paper.

"What is this?" he asked angrily as he points to my doodles.

"It's a shorthand writing or stenography. Commonly used by the police, journalists and medical professionals." I said as an alibi.

"So what does this elongated tornado mean?" he points to one of my drawings.

"Oh. That's when your father questioned the high accounts receivables. After a brief discussion with the board. A timeframe of not more than 6 months must be the given to settle the receivables. Motion to settle receivables; seconded and passed." I replied trying as much to remember what I heard when I was an active listener. Mr. Black seemed satisfied with my answer that he decided to question the caricatures of them.

"Mr. Flynn. Why do you need to draw an ugly illustration of my associates?"

"I just decided to imitate courtroom sketches but I realized that I'm a bad artist." Fuck. I'm running out of things to say.

"At around 10:07, Squidward provided an update on the sales progress of the company which was questioned by Mr. Clean. Uhum." He read a sample paragraph from my decent accounts. "Weird Beard. Mr. Clean. Squidward. Fat businessman #1, Mustache... Are you trying to be funny Flynn?" this took the cake because I saw him become red faced.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know everyone's names that's why I gave them a nickname!" I said as a defense.

Mr. Black threw the paper to my face as a response.

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