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Chapter 19

I don't know why but I know that the house is calling me. Although the color is the same, you can notice the peeling of the paint which degrades its once glamorous facade. Here I am, standing outside our old house in Carmona Rosa.  It's been years since I've step foot in this compound but I still know all the details of our old home. This house holds  the majority of my memories naturally because I grew up here. I can still recall the way I've messed up the fence, the day I have left a permanent stain on the floor and the time when I scraped the banister out of sheer boredom. Like I said, I can still recollect even the tiniest detail from my past but there are some memories that I chose not to remember. 

I proceeded to move forward towards the door, the stair creaking with every step. Before I could even knock, the door opened by itself as if it was awaiting for my return. 

"Welcome home, son." I heard a woman's voice from a distance. 

"Where are you?" I called out.

"In my favorite spot, if you can still remember." 

I made my way out to the rear porch through the back door of the kitchen. 

"Hello, mother." I said once I saw my mother sitting on her favorite rocking chair.

"I'm surprised you haven't forgot where it is." she sneered.

"How can I forget when you're always on my mind." 

She stopped rocking her chair. "Really?" she asked, her voice mocking. 

"Yes." I replied almost in a whisper.

"I've been warning you but you choose to ignore them." 

"I didn't."

"You just did." she smiled bitterly. "You killed me Mike. You killed me." she said and started to sway her chair again. Back and forth and back and forth. All I did was watch and every time the pace gets faster, I can see her face getting older by every swing. She was laughing hysterically while her hair turned to white and her flesh started to rot. I just stood there watching in horror as my mother transforms herself into something frightening. In a blink of an eye, she was already in front of me holding my face, forcing me to stare at her decaying body.

"Don't you get it? Because of you, I never got the chance to grow old. I turned to this!" she kept screaming.


I woke up just in time before I can even know what happens next. I sat up to pant for some air and wipe the sweat from my forehead. My dreams are becoming more vivid and it's a bad thing. I can still feel the touch of my mother's hand on my face. 

I made a mistake. And now I must pay for it.

I looked beside me and I saw Mr. Black peacefully sleeping. I felt myself wanting to cry but I tried my best to hold it back. I did not regret what happened tonight but I feel disappointed with my self.  I gave in to my desire. I broke my own promise. I lost.

"Hello, Mike." I slowly gaze up with fear when I heard my mother's voice call me even when I am no longer dreaming.

"H-how did you?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Didn't you miss me?" My mother is here. With us. Sitting at the edge of the bed.

"You're dead!" I hissed.

"Yes, but in a way I'm not. I'm just a figment of your imagination or if I can guess, a product of your own conscience." I glared at her. I must be going crazy seeing my dead mother in the flesh in the middle of the  night.

"Don't look at me like that. You're the one who brought me back to life."

"Go away!" I might have said that loudly so I looked down to make sure I didn't wake-up Mr. Black. 

"I can't." 


"You know why." 

I was left staring at her. So real. Remembering my nightmare made my blood run cold. I left the bed and started searching for my clothes. I made my best to stay silent trying not to wake up Mr. Black while I dress myself up. I was about to say something to my mother but she is no longer at the bed or at the room with us. 

I took a last glance at the naked man sleeping on the bed. This might be the last time I will be seeing him. Contented, I turned around and went out of the room before closing the door silently. This time, I'll do the right thing.

I went back to my apartment and packed everything I own. There's a high possibility that I will not be coming back here.

After that, I called a cab and instructed the driver to drop me off at Black Industries. There's still some things I needed to do before leaving the city. Thankfully the security officer granted me access when I said that Mr. Black needs me to get something in his office. I showed him my access pass when he got suspicious about my after hours visit. I assured him that I will not burn down his office or something.

The office is awfully silent when I got there. I got into his office and left my access pass and resignation letter I have written before leaving my apartment on his table.  I stood there for a moment staring at the empty chair of my employer. I heard my phone ring. I took my phone out to check who was calling. It's Mr. Black. I hesitated for a moment whether or not to answer the phone. In the end, I answered it.

"Where are you?" asked Mr. Black with raging intensity. Even on the phone I can hear his heavy breathing and I can imagine him clenching his jaw in frustration with his eyes burning with rage.

"Goodbye, sir." I said and ended the call. He dialed again but I turned my phone off to avoid attempts of contacting me. I gathered all my personal belongings on my desk and prepared everything for my next successor. I made notes and endorsement on the planner for my unfinished tasks. After making sure everything's in order, I left the building with a heavy heart. 

I thanked the guard for watching on my luggage. It took me less than a minute before I hailed another cab.

"Where to, boss?" the taxi driver asked me after getting into the cab.

"To the airport please. I'm going home."


Part 1/3 for the Mysterious Mr. Black is officially done. Now it's time for part 2. Are you ready for the past? Let's  go visit Carmona Rosa and meet the parents... and Hector too! ;)

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