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Chapter 20 (Part Seven)

The way back home was awfully quiet. I didn't initiate to start a conversation and Hector sensed that something was wrong but he just went along with my silence. 

I didn't slept well that night. I was pondering about something that I never discussed with anybody except my mother.

The next day, we were stuck at home due to heavy rains. Hector and I were still at a minimum interaction. He chose to spend the day watching TV while I decided to isolate myself in my room sketching random subjects to pass time.

Of course the lack of activity in the house will make anyone search for anything interesting to entertain oneself. Hector chose to explore the house until he decided to visit my room.

"What are you doing?"I heard him ask behind my back.

"Drawing... things." I replied.

I heard him walk towards me until I sensed him towering behind me. The next instant I felt his presence beside me. It seems like he was just fresh from the shower since I can still smell the whiff of minty soap emanating from his body. The hairs on my back started to rise when I felt the blow of warm air touch my skin with his every breath.

He leaned closer to take a peek of what I'm sketching, our heads almost touching. "Can I have a look?"

The extreme closeness is bothering me. My breathing became unstable as if air was completely stripped off the room. It's weird. I was getting warm but I'm starting to shiver.

"What?" I asked pretending to be annoyed.

He sat on the chair beside my table and leaned his head to his arms that was crossed on the back of the chair.

"It's good."

"Thank you."

"Can you draw me. You know like a portrait?" he suddenly asked out of the blue.

"You know I've never really tried sketching a human person-" which is actually true because landscapes are usually the subject of my drawing.

"I could pay you if you'd like. You know, like a souvenir."

"-But of course there is always a first time of everything." I followed-up. Money. Always a good motivator for a lazy person.

"So how should we do this?"

"Just lie on the bed naked and imitate Kate Winslet in Titanic." I said as a joke but then the bastard decided to take my word seriously because he started to unbutton his shirt.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" I snapped.

"What do you think?" he answered slyly with a slight grin on his face.

He's hysterical!

"I was joking!" I almost screamed.

He let go at the hem of his shirt and tapped my cheek twice. "So do I." he said and winked beguilingly.

I rolled my eyes as a response then proceeded to arrange his chair near the window. I sat on the bed. "Just take a seat and pose however you want." I commanded him.

He did what I told him and I settled to make myself comfortable before starting to draw the outline of his face. He chose not to smile but it didn't make him any less attractive, in fact it made him more appealing. Damn attractive people.

It was going smoothly and unproblematic than I was expecting but when I finally reached the point of drawing his eyes, things started to feel awkward.

The moment our eyes met, I felt myself fluster. With every glance I took, I felt like I was being absorbed into the windows of his soul. My hands started to shake and I did my best to avoid committing mistakes by keeping my hands steady as possible to avoid shaky lines. Deep inside I wanted to scream my heart out but I didn't know why. Something inside me is going insane. This eye contact felt like something so intimate even though I have never been this connected to other people.

After what felt like a day, I was finally done with my portrait. I glanced at my drawing and I felt proud. It's not actually bad for a first timer.

I raised the portrait that I drew to show it to him. "Presenting to you, my Magnus Opus as of the moment." I declared. Instead of admiring my work he laughed.

I  scowled at him. "What? Is this ugly? It totally looks like you." I swear I did good. I consider it my best drawing among all my art.

He chuckled for the second time but he stopped when he saw my offended expression. He shook his head to stop and looked at me amusedly. "Oh it's nothing, I just remembered something. If I say that's ugly then I'm also insulting myself. By the way, it's Magnum Opus. Not Magnus Opus, magnum is the Latin neuter singular nominative adjective form that means 'great' in English, while magnus is the Latin masculine singular nominative form for that means 'great' but should be properly used to describe a man."

"Whatever. Tomato-tomato. It means the same. Plus you're a boy so I think that makes me right."

"Not really, since opus is neuter in Latin, the correct phrase for a "great work" or "masterwork" in the form of, let's say, your art, magnum opus;  is still the correct term in the strict literal sense. But if you would like the more accurate Latin term, it's opus magnum since adjective should come after a noun."

"Wow. And I thought I was the nerd in room."

"We studied Latin but that doesn't make me the dork in this room."

"K." I dismissed.

He tapped my shoulder gently. "Fine. You did a good job." he complimented.

And there was that spark again. Every contact he makes are electric. Is this really what I think it is? Am I starting to like this guy? This complete stranger who just stepped into our life out of nowhere.

The rain stopped and silence started to fill the room.

"D-do you want to grab a snack." I offered to break the awkward atmosphere that is beginning to surround us.

"Sure." he replied.

I scampered my way toward the door. I need to stay away from him. I just have to.

I looked back and I saw him standing still where I left him.

"Are you coming?" I asked.

There was a slight pause before he said: "Sure.", with a devilish smile plastered on his face. I felt my feet squirm inside my shoes. Somehow I can feel that he knows. I haven't been that subtle and my secret has been exposed.

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