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Chapter 6

Outside the Foreground bar you can find a long straight line of people. The music from within, together with the gleeful screaming of the people inside can be heard outside the facility.

Mr. Black walked confidently towards the entrance not minding the queue of people waiting for an opening. When the bouncer recognized him, the barricade was immediately opened. It's as if him entering the bar is a privilege to the establishment. I was also granted access when he said he's with me. It is my first time entering a first class club so it is quite amazing and flattering to be welcomed on this fine establishment.

The dancefloor is wide and even though a throng of people are in the club, you cannot feel that the place is crowded due to the vast area of the establishment. Mr. Black continued to walk until we reached another guarded section. The bouncer lifted the red barrier. The reserved area led to an elevator and Mr. Black brought out an electronic keycard which he tapped on the safety button. The door opened.

What kind of bar is this?

"Press the up button." he commanded. There was indeed an upward arrow on the mainswitch. Actually, the only choice is either up or down. I did what I was asked to and it was only a matter of second before the door opened.

And we're inside another bar. Only this time, it's more sophisticated than the one below and with lesser people. There was a dancefloor, a bartender, a counter, comfort rooms and other usual things you see in a club. There was a private lounge in a balcony just above the dancefloor, that's where Mr. Black decided to settle.

A waiter came to us and Mr. Black asked for a particular drink which I cannot pronounce or even understand what he just said. The waiter nodded and left.

This must be a separate club for the VIPs. I can see other people dressed in suits like Mr. Black and I kid you not, even celebrities are here!

There on the other side, a man  is surrounded by a group of ladies while a couple is shamelessly kissing in the corner. I guess this is also a place where promiscuity and infidelity happens. A city version of Vegas.

The waiter came and placed a bottle of liquor and two glasses on the table. Once he poured on each glass he left our table.

"Have a drink. You deserved it." he lifted his glass like what you usually do to a toast. I took up mine and let our glasses create a sound.

I drank the liquid in one go and oh boy how I instantly regretted it. I started coughing as a response. I have drank alcohols in the past but damn, that's some strong shit!

"What the fuck is that?" I asked him.

"A drink." was his smart-mouthed reply.

"I think I burned my throat."

"Who said you need to drink it all at once?"

Whatever Sir. I kept my mouth shut and waited for the pain to subside.

It took me a few minutes before I finally composed myself.

"So what do you think would be the decision of Mr. Sheppard?" I started to make a conversation because I feel like I am having a drink with a cadaver who keeps on staring at me.

"He'll convince me to buy his company instead." he said.
"And would you like that?"
"Of course. That was the plan."

So all this time that was just a ploy to buy Mr. Shepard's company. What a conniving little shit.

 I am starting to get used to the taste of the drink and it's actually pretty good if you take a sip once in a while. Strong but soothing.

I gave up trying to have a conversation with my boss. With his laconic and terse reply, who the hell would like to talk to this guy. Let him stare at me or whatever. I totally don't care. Also, I can feel effect of the alcohol eroding my body. I'm starting to get sleepy

The Mysterious Mr. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now