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Chapter 4

I once met a man named Hector. It was so long ago and the memory of  him seems like a blur to me. I can't recall what he look like exactly but he plays a big part on my teenage life that I still remember his name.

The river flows calmly in Carmona Rosa. It's always been that way except for the times when hurricane comes. I saw a man sitting beside the deciduous tree. The color of yellow and orange emerging among the green grasses.

I called him. He looks back but all I can see is the sparkling water reflecting the light of the sun. Then everything went black. I am now standing in front of a casket. A coffin which contains the body of my dead mother. I went forward. Every step I take feels like I am walking on quicksand. It feels like I am being pulled into the earth. And when I can finally see my lifeless mother, she reached out to me and held my hand.

I opened my eyes and inhaled as much air as I can. My body feels warm and I already know that I have been sweating profusely. I looked at the time and the clock says it's 4:37 am. Way early than my alarm clock. I decided to get up. Drink some water and take a shower. It's been years since I had a nightmare.

I looked at my run-downed face. I opened the tap and washed my exhausted looking face. Today is another day.


Once I stepped off the elevator, I can see my coworkers looking at me. What's the matter? They were looking at me like I'm off to Calvary. When I finally reached my desk, I finally knew the reason. Mr. Black is here inside his office.


And that never happened before. I started to go through my files. I checked his calendar. He is not scheduled this early. What did I miss? Should I let him know that I'm here? As if on cue the telephone rang.

"Yes sir?" I said. Somehow his early admission is making me nervous.

"I need the annual report now." now that he's on the phone. He sounds like a robot more than ever.

"Certainly sir." I grabbed the compiled and arranged annual report and started to walk into his office. Good thing I finished it yesterday. You'll never know when he needed something. If he says he need it now, you need to give it fast even if it means selling your soul to the devil.

I took a deep breath before pushing the matted glass door into his office.

"Here you go sir." I left the compiled annual report on his table. He did not react or said anything so I started to walk on my way out when  he called my name.

"I'm not yet done with you Flynn." his voice which seemed like a growl made me flinch in surprise.

"Yes sir? Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Please have a seat." he pointed on the chair in front of his desk. Is this how he fires his employees? Did the time finally came where I made a mistake? I sat down and tried to look at him but I focused my gaze on his back instead.

"Do you recall what you said to Mr. Mason yesterday?" he inquired like I'm in a police investigation.

"I've said many things Sir." is this related to what Hector said to him before the door have closed?

"Didn't you mention to him that his name sounds like a famous pornstar?"

"Yes sir."

"I mean why would you say that?" his voice sounds serious than normal. He's angry. The beast is angry

"I don't know sir. I mean... it was supposed to be a joke which he took lightly." that was close. One of his most hated reply is the phrase 'I don't know.'
"It's unprofessional! You directly insulted one of my clients." I averted   my stare. Fuck. I can feel my body weakening. I want the earth to take me down.

The Mysterious Mr. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now