chapter 11 •

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chapter eleven: "are you going to kill me, and hide my body out here?"

We finally get to our destination which is in the middle of nowhere. I should really stop taking rides from strangers...

"Are you going to kill me and hide my body out here?" My very optimistic self asks as i get off his bike and take a few steps back.

Grayson rolls his eyes and gets off too.

"No i'm not going to kill you if i wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now." he states rather calmly.

Why did i agree to come with him again?

"Thanks. Why did you bring me here?" i ask sarcastically and he groans.

"God, if i knew you were gonna be annoying i should have let you walk home" he mutters loud enough for me to hear.

"Ass!" i mutter and he smirks hearing me.

"Trust me, cupcake i've been called worse" he tells me and i roll my eyes. He really needs to stop with the pet names.

"Can you just tell me where we are?" i ask and he starts walking away. I huff and follow him.

"No can you just shut up?" I deadpan him and he groans again.

"All you have to do is alittle walking then we are there. Got it?" he asks and i mimic him in a high pitch voice like a child. He turns his head and looks at me like i am 5.

He continues to stare at me when i stick my tounge out at him and he sticks his out at me. I snort and roll my eyes.

Grayson stares at me bewildered. I give him a what look.

"Nothin, just not many girls snort when they are around me" he states.

"I guess i'm not like most girls" i say simply and i look over at him. He shakes his head and agrees with me. "Trust me, i know, Cupcake"


"You brought me to... a diner?" i ask not fully sure of myself...

"No, it is not a diner. It is a small... shack... that may look like a diner" I roll my eyes as he he says that and walks toward the diner without me. I do not care if he claims it is a 'small shack' it is a diner.

He walks into the diner and i follow him in.

"Oh my gosh, can it be? Oh it's Grayson James!" A little old lady comes out from behind the counter and runs up to Grayson she indulges him in a hug and he returns it. Wait what? Is that actually Grayson being nice? Never seen it in the 2 days i have known him...

"Yes, yes, it's me your favorite person ever" grayson says arrogantly. The old lady swats his shoulder playfully and glares at him

"Why in the world did you stop coming here? I've miss you and your fam!" the old lady says sadly.

"Sorry, Nacey we've been busy" he apologises.

"Well! Anyways what has brought you back?" she asks her mood lightening up. She takes a look behind Grayson and she stares at me then she smiles really big.

"Well i've missed you and i-" Grayson gets cut off when Nancy shushes him.

"Yeah, yeah" she says and walks over to me. "Hello! What's your name?"

I look over at Grayson and he is playfully glaring at Nancy probably because she cut him off. I like her.

I look back to Nancy and answer her. "Anna" i say and smile. Nancy smiles back and hugs me. I laugh hug her back and she smiles again.

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