chapter 36 •

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you're welcome for the previous chapter!


Chapter thirty-six:

I open up my front door and see my mom standing by the door.

"Where were you?" She squints her eyes and I squirm.

"Uhm, i was out with, Grayson" I say but it sounds like a question. Me asking if she is okay with that.

She eyes me before she smiles.

"Okay" She says and smiles bigger.

"Go into the living room" she says, and I have a huge urge to shake my head no. She is scaring me right now.

"Okay.." I say and she walks behind me and covers my eyes

"What are you doing?" I ask confused and she shushes me. I huff as she guides me into the living room.

"Okay, ready?" She asks

"Yes.." I say unsure. She takes off my blindfold, and I see two blobs. I let my eyes adjust to the light and see the blobs clearly. My eyes widen as tears fall out of my eyes onto my cheeks

"Oh my god" I sob and run up to them and hug them they immediately hug me back, and I sob on her shoulder "I missed you both so much" I say and they both hug me harder. You know as hard as old people can hug.

"We missed you too, dear" nana says and gramps wipes my tears away.

"Why are you both here?" I ask and they smile. "Can we not just visit our family?" They ask rhetorically, and I laugh.

"Of course you can" I answer anyways and hug them both again.

"Oh, we brought a small gift" as if on cue a middle height brunette comes out from the.. bathroom? All right then.. as she, I am guessing the person is a she, came closer I quickly recognized it as Emilee. I run to her and hug her really tight. She laughs and hugs me just as tight.

"I missed you" she murmurs in my hair, and I nod and agree with her. She pulls back and links her arm with mine.

We walk towards the others and sit on the couch next to nana and gramps. I can not believe they are here and brought Emilee. I kind of wish everyone could have came, but I know they could not.

"How long are you all staying?" I ask and they say 5 days. This will be the best 5 days ever.

"Wait how did you come here? I did not see a new car in the driveway" I say and frown.

My mom decides to butt in our conversation.

"You know when I said Gus, and I went to the store?" I nod "we didn't actually. we went to get them" she says. Ohhh! That is why they took longer than usual.


"Okay, i am officially about to fall asleep" nana laughs and gramps gets up with her and they head to the guest room downstairs. I look over to my mom

"Thanks" I say and she nods. Somehow I know she did this.

Emilee yawns from beside me, and I laugh

"You tired?" She nods and I laugh. We get up and walk into my room. When we walk in she already has her clothes all over my room.

"Guess you already made yourself a home" I say and she nods and laughs. "Yep" She says and grabs a random pair of shorts and a T-shirt and grabs her toothbrush. She walks into the bathroom while I walk into my closet.

I grab a white tank top and my pajama pants that have Mickey Mouse on them


I change into my clothes before I leave I see my flower outfit I wore at the first party I went to here. What Grayson told me just an hour ago flashes through my mind

And when you went to that party and stayed at my house I realized that I liked you after I fucked up and claimed that I have seen better which was a lie by the way

I smile at what he said and left the closet to find Emilee walking out of the bathroom, and I walk past her to go into the bathroom.

"Wait" She says, and I stop and turn around with my eyebrow raised


"What is that?" She asks and points to my neck and walks to me. She looks at the necklace hanging from my neck and examines it.

"Where did you get it?" She asks as she reads the front not turning it around.

"Grayson" I say and her eyebrows shoot up.

"Your neighbor?!" She exclaims, and I cover her mouth

"Yes, and shush" I say and she mutters a sorry

"He knows?" She asks and I nod. I did not tell any of them what happened at the party. I decide to tell her because she is my best friend, and I can not keep anything from her.


"That fucking bitch!" She shouts, and I shush her again. "Sorry" She says not really sorry.

"Give me this bitches address, and I will stab a large line in her and take out all of her insides very slowly while she's alive and breathing. Then, I will shave her perfect little blond hair off of her head and stab her in the eyeball then-" she tries to go on, but I cut her off

"No, Emilee you will not do that" I say and she eyes me like I am stupid

"I sure as hell will" somehow I know she is not kidding about that.

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