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"Give this a chance," Max said, pulling her in for a hug.

"I... don't," she stuttered, feeling overwhelmed and shy.

"I know it's soon. I know you only met me a few moments ago." Tightening his arms around her. "But, this feels right!"

"I would like to take you out. Get to know each other better. I know I started off intimately, but the temptation was too strong!" He continued.

Moving back a little bit, she looked into his eyes, seeing sincerity and a touch of fear. Could she do this? If Mara was her, she would say, "You go girl, get your groove on!". Smiling, she responded, "I would like that."

Max pulled her in, holding her. He was elated. Now, he had to prepare the perfect date.

"Tonight, I'm talking you out. It will be our first date. I'll pick you up at your cabin at 6." Max said.

"And the dress code?" She asked.

"A dress, not too formal," He stated.

So, unwrapping his arms from around her, he took her hand, stepped out of the alley, walked towards her car, took her keys, unlocked it, opened the door, gave her a kiss, helped her into her vehicle, bending down, lightly brushing his lips against her, "I'll see you tonight." he promised, stepping back, closing the door, he watched her start-up her car and drive off.

So, turning around, he walked to the pack house, getting ready to take his love by storm.

Cassie was a bundle of nerves, by the time she reached the cabin. Once inside, she wondered, how could something like this happen so soon! Her mind straying to what happened earlier, her hand coming up to touch her lips, she remembered the sensations. Taking a deep breath, she headed towards the shower, getting ready for her date, pushing aside all negative thoughts...this is what she wanted and needed. Feeling alive again, feeling like a wanton woman.

At 6, Max arrived at the cabin, knocking on the door, he heard footsteps approaching, watching the door open, he was left speechless....

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