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As Max watched Sara take Cassie upstairs, he hoped that she would feel welcome here, but knowing Sara and Mary, he knew that she would be in good hands and safe.

Turning towards Ian, "Let's go to office, it's much more private there to have our meeting."

Entering his office, rounding his desk, taking a seat, waiting for Ian and Colt to enter, close the door and seat themselves down.

When it came to private discussion or confidential matters, he preferred his office, than being outside, you never know who would be eavesdropping.

"Ian, any problems arisen while I was gone?"

"Nothing that couldn't be handled. Your appointments were moved around to a later date." Ian responded.

"Colt, any issues with security?"

"We have had a complaint from an alpha, in the northern regions, he seems to be having a problem with a neighbouring pack, we are assessing the situation. Border patrol has caught a whiff of a rogue on the eastern border, we have doubled patrol, keeping an eye out." Colt reported.

Nodding, Max then asked, " What about Stacey, anything I should be aware of?"

"She has been going around asking or should I say, demanding everyone around, as to your whereabouts." Ian replied, "Those in the know, ignore her, the rest... don't know, so they can't give her a response, much to her frustration."

"I was also informed by one of the guards, that she left pack grounds for a few hours yesterday afternoon, we are monitoring her movements, but nothing concrete." Colt informed Max.

Max looked intently at both men, men he grew up with, men he trusted. "As you know I've found my mate. And you now know I've marked her, she accepted us." Taking a deep breath, he continued, "With this Stacey issue, I need Cassie to be protected. Cassie is your Luna, Queen and the continuation of the Lycan royalty in this country, she must be protected!" Determination in his voice, his hands fisting. If Stacey attempts anything and succeeds...

"Is she aware of her position now in the pack?" Colt queried nervously, cutting into his train of thoughts.

"No! We hadn't progressed to that part yet. All she is aware of, is being my mate and that I'm a Lycan." Max replied.

"If I were you, I'd better tell her and anything else you forgot to mention quickly. That is if the girls don't tell her first, you might just be in the doghouse for awhile." Ian smirked, enjoying seeing Max squirm in his seat.

"Then I better find her, before Sara blabbers..." Standing up quickly, going to fetch his mate. Hoping that he makes it in time. But, going by his mate's emotions...he might just be in the doghouse.

Rushing upstairs, hearing the guys laugh at his predicament...Idiots!!!

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