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As Cassie entered a room that Sara dragged her to, she noted that it was a living room, with comfortable plush sofas, a entertainment centre to one side. Taking a seat, she watched as Sara moved around and Mary sitting down on the opposite sofa.

"Ummm..hello Cassie. Sorry about Sara, she tends to get overexcited and forgets her manners." Mary commented, shaking her head.

"I do not!" Sara pouted, finally sitting down.

"You literally dragged Cassie, barely giving her a chance to react!" Mary pointed out.

"I'm sorry, you are right, please forgive me, I was just so excited seeing you." Sara said solemnly, bowing her head.

"It's harm hello to the both of you." Cassie replied.

"See...Cassie understands, she is going to be a great Luna!' Sara exclaimed, jumping up from her seat, once again moving around, she really couldn't sit still, like a child, high on sweets.

"Luna?" Cassie queried, why was Sara calling her that, feeling a tad lost.

Sara plopped down on the sofa, staring open mouthed at Cassie, wondering... didn't Max tell her. "I'm not sure how to say this, I thought Max told you everything about us and your role in this pack." Sara mumbled, looking uncomfortable.

"Apparently not! So please enlighten me, because clearly Max has sidestepped that particular info..." Cassie questioned, arching her brow, looking intently at both women, a tenseness filling the room.

" know that Max is a Lycan?" Mary asked.

"Yes and the fact I'm his soulmate."

"And did he mention being the boss perhaps?" Mary continued calmly, watching Cassie.

"Yes...what has this got to do with anything...just get to the point!" Cassie exclaimed, getting frustrated.

Sara and Mary looked at each for a moment, both seem to be having some kind of silent communication.

"Ladies! Just be straight up with me, I won't be angry with you, it's not your fault that my dear mate failed to inform me..." Cassie expressed, anxious to know more.

"Well, technically...Max is the boss, which makes him the Alpha, which makes him our Lycan king, which makes you our Luna!" Sara rushed, leaning back quickly, distancing herself, fearing that Cassie would lash out at her.

Cassie was speechless, a host of emotions coursed through her mind, staring blankly. After a few seconds of silent musings, one thought came to mind...she was going to wring that sweet neck of her mate.

"You've got nothing to worry about, Sara. It's my idiot mate! Who failed to inform me of the finer details." Cassie said calmly, soothingly.

Just then the door opened, Max stood there nervously, looking at Cassie intently, gulping he said, "Darling, how are you?" Watching as Cassie arched her brow, looking at him accusingly.

Yep...he was definitely in the doghouse!!!

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