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"Are you sure? My form might scare you away." He queried, worried that it was too soon. His beast pressing to come out.

"Yes. If I don't, in the back of mind, I'll have doubts, wondering if this is reality or fantasy." She replied.

"Very well....but remember, don't run, he loves a good chase and will catch you, marking you forcibly," he warned her.

"Will he hurt me?" Feeling a bit scared.

"No. Nor he or I would ever harm you, you are precious to us." responding.

"Ok, I'm ready." She replied nervously.

So, standing up, they moved apart. With nervous intensity she watched him.

Max started to remove his shirt. "What are you doing?" She gasped. "I have to remove my clothing, otherwise they will shred." He informed her. Cassie watched fascinated as his body was revealed, her arousal spiking. Averting her eyes, when she quickly realized he was going to remove his boxers, a blush forming, she waited.

Feeling a shift in the air and movement, she looked up and gasped. Before her stood something out of fantasy, something that defied reality.

Looking at, it stood tall on two legs, it's body covered in fur, it's hands with long elongated claws, it's face resembling a wolf, it's snout long, baring large sharp teeth...a tremble passing through her. Then looking at his eyes, they were a glowing gold.

Part of her was denying this was real, but the other part was strangely accepting. The beast before her did not move, standing still, watching... waiting.

Moving forward slowly, still unsure, she lifted her hand tentatively to his chest, a tingling sensation passed through her fingers once she touched him. Laying her hand flat, near his heart, she felt so many emotions course through her body.

Beast stood still, looking as his mate moved forward, when her hand touched him, he slowly bent down, reaching her neck, sniffing her unique scent, licking her sweet neck. He heard her heart rate speed up, but she didn't run away.

Slowly, he encircled his arms around her, holding her to him. She moved her hands, bringing them up and around to top of his head, rubbing and scratching. They stood like that for long moments, neither wanting to move from this experience.

Reluctantly, Beast let go of his mate and shifted into his human form.

Max stood before her, naked! Cassie couldn't tear her eyes away. "Like what you see?" Max smirked, seeing Cassie blush, "This is all yours baby." He chuckled, enjoying her discomfort.

" just put some clothes on!" She hurmphed, turning around frustrated. She was so embarrassed, never had she seen a naked man and here she was, being teased. She was so busy scolding herself, that when arms snaked around her waist, she gave a startled yelp.

"I'm sorry baby, seeing you blush, I was tempted." He whispered near her ear, his warm breath creating shivers. Turning her in his arms, looking down at her.

He asked, "Do you accept us?"

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