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Later, as Cassie lay with her head on his chest, Max thought, just like this, right here, right now, this is how life is supposed to be, his mate beside him.

"Cassie? Is there anything you need to know? About us, our bond?" Max asked.

Sitting up, Cassie contemplated on how to start. "First we should clean up, get some breakfast or should I say lunch? And then discuss anything seriously, because...right now I need some sustenance."

Getting up, they each took a turn in the bathroom, then moved towards the kitchenette to make brunch, working in sync, bantering lighly and teasing each other. Eating their meal in silence and cleaning up once done. Afterwards moving to the living room to have their discussion.

Sitting on the couch, Cassie sat with her legs tucked up, body slightly turned towards Max, holding his hands. "So...tell me all about the bond. I have read fiction on lycan and werewolves, but..." Shrugging her shoulders, "this is reality, so... I'll listen and ask if unsure."

"Ok! In part fiction has most things correct. Basically we do have a soulmate. Unless we are rejected or our mate dies, we have a slim chance of getting a second chance, that's if...we don't go rogue before then or die. We mark our mate, just about here," lighly brushing his fingers on her neck, "there won't be any tattoo, just a bite mark, visible to other supernaturals. Your scent will be mixed with mine, but when we mate, it'll be stronger. Um...mind linking doesn't happen. We can only feel each others emotions or when our mate is in pain. There is no other for us, once we meet our mate, the bond comes into effect."

"So, basically we connect as a whole?" She asked.

"Yes, we are two-halves  connected like a puzzle piece, becoming one." He replied.

"Ok, continue..."

"I am a Lycan, therefore we are higher up than a werewolf. We have a Lycan king on each continent, then Beta, Delta, etc. We rule over the groups of werewolves in our country, these groups comprise of an alpha and his pack." taking a breath, he continued, " there aren't any special powers or special wolves that miraculously appear. We rule fairly, there are friends and foes, not everybody likes the law. Vampires are not our enemies, just as you have good or bad in the universe."

"But, you hide from humans...why?"

"Humans fear the unknown and what they fear, they destroy and kill. Hence our secrecy." Watching as she nodded, "Only our human mate will be told everything."

"And do Lycan live long?"

"We are not immortal, we live as long as destiny allows it, some longer than others.' Max said.

"So... you're not in your hundreds?"

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