08| Week 2

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08| Week 2

"When are you going to stop calling me by that shit name?"

That was the first thing Bakugou replied after hearing your incredible nickname you gave him during the weekend. First day of this week, he already had an attitude because of a new nickname he disliked. At times he'd be called names relating to an animal because of his spiky blond hair. Porcupine was definitely a new one. Since it was considered a rodent, Bakugou was certainly not happy. Was he ever though?

"Don't know." You answered chatting with a classmate, "When you stop calling me a Scaredy-cat."

Ah, yes. Not only did your name calling continue, his did as well. When coming into contact, Bakugou will purposely call you by the name he gave you that one morning when he screamed where you were unaware that you were behind the sofa. He will try to scare you by being behind you or calling you out randomly when you're busy with work. Most of the time, he succeeds at doing it. He loved seeing you jump in your rolling chair, alerting others around you, proving that you are a Scaredy-cat.

The blond's actions will not falter soon. "No idea. It's suits you." The expression he wore was blank, then his mouth turned into a smirk. A smirk Bakugou would give to those he did not like, such as Midoriya. "Y'know, it'd fit as your hero name!"

You know what? You considered stopping calling him a porcupine. However, once the teen brought that up, you're going to keep calling him his new name you gave him.

"Not in a million years! Plus, I don't plan on becoming a hero. What's your hero name? You never revealed what it was." Bakugou's smirk faded into an angry frown. "Ah," you snapped your fingers, "it's going to be Porcupine!"

The people who he usually hangs out with laughed behind Bakugou's back. It was hilarious to see a girl make fun of him other than other males in the class. Additionally, you were still new to class and don't know anyone to full extent. When you were new to this, as mentioned before, you were a quiet, timid person.

Now look at you! Making a student known for their captivating personality angry. The sight was entertaining for the others who are watching. Since you were a female, there was no absolute way the male can hurt you, right? It would make his ego shrink and be looked down upon by others. It would be like the sports festival all over again, only having you replaced with Uraraka.

"When are you going to stop calling me by that shit name?"

That was the first thing Bakugou replied after hearing your incredible nickname you gave him during the weekend. First day of this week, he already had an attitude because of a new nickname he disliked. At times he'd be called names relating to an animal because of his spiky blond hair. Porcupine was definitely a fresh one. Since it was considered a rodent, Bakugou was not happy. Was he ever, though?

One of the few difference is, is that you weren't in a match against Bakugou, being observed by thousands of people inside the stadium and people who're watching the sports festival on televisions. This was only happening in the classroom, watched by peers of your own age, waiting what is going to happen next. They stared at the male glaring at you, seeing what is his next move.

Midoriya was shaking in his seat. Since he knew you were quirkless, he wanted to stop whatwill happen next. Like the others, he halted his next actions.

"Porcupine!?" Bakugou yelled, "As if the future number one hero will be called that!"

The door slammed, coming along with a tired, disheveled teacher. His head hang low, his hair covering his face, his eyes, making him look mysterious. The class gotten quiet upon his arrival. The person he glared at for speaking so loudly was Bakugou. Then the glare turned to you, knowing you were the one to cause his current attitude. Before the program started, the teacher would have to scold the students within the Bakusquad and now that you're here, still alive near the blond's presence and still bothers him no matter how many times you get yelled at, Mr. Aizawa added another student on his list to discipline to not cause so much trouble.

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