05| Intrigued

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Get prepared to read a long-ass chapter. I did what I could to have this chapter enjoyable and some fluff(?).


05| Intrigued

Lunch time finally came around. The bell rang, and the teacher dismissed the whole class. Students gathered their belongings and went out the door with their group of friends or staying behind to stay in class during lunch. Some went alone as others went in their respective squads.

Or not, so it seemed. The group of girls gathered together and walked towards you, smiling. "Let's have lunch together!" Said Hagakure, pumping her invisible fist in the air. She put both of her hands on her cheeks, squirming, "Let's also talk about how your life was." Seeing her mood, it immediately clicked about what she was implying. She wanted to talk about your love life.

Hah, as if you had one.

"Yeah, sure. I don't exactly have anyone to chow down with." You grabbed your bag and walked out the door with the rest of the ladies. The walk was not all the quiet with some girls talking and making each other laugh once in a while, getting closer to the cafeteria.

Behind you ladies, was a small student. He could be considered a child if he were one. Mineta Minoru, the perverted student of class 1-A. At first he may be considered innocent because he looks like a baby and the height of a small child. His hero costume says otherwise with the round white thing around his hips. What even was that anyway?

He kept his distance, admiring how all the girls in class were together with an addition of two more students. Wearing the same uniform with their hips swaying every time they took a step. Their skirts moving back and forth and their uniform showing the curves they inherited. From the back Mineta could see their breasts bouncing every second. Man, if only there was some wind in the building to see their skirts lift to see what they had under them.

The perverted boy was drooling at the thoughts of it. The sight was like a buffet for him and he wouldn't stop eating. He would go all out until he becomes obese and dies from a disease. He wouldn't mind. Would anyone attend his funeral? Absolutely not.

How he treats women, the two genders were disgusted with his actions and his personality. Mineta had no shame at that. No matter how many times people told him to quit it or tone it down, he never did and kept doing what he loved most. At this rate, he will never find a significant other who will be a part of his life until he dies.

Sad. But do we feel bad for him?


The girls in 1-A are surprised and disappointed that Mineta didn't get expelled through all these months, harassing the opposite gender. The girls were used to his actions and stayed away from him at all costs. At one point they wondered how you would put up with his acts and the awful treatment he had towards women. They also feared you would become friends with the revolting creature known as Mineta Minoru, let alone have a relationship with him.

Though, those thoughts would soon be bested with how you got into U.A, being quirkless. You should be smart enough to not come near him, not even a meter. They should warn you about him during lunch. That would seem like a good time before things got out of hand.

"Mineta, why are you following us?" Asked Uraraka, turning around. The girls also stopped to see the little classmate following behind them. They saw him wipe his drool that was almost oozing on the floor with a blush on his cheeks. His eyes were wide, and it looked like he had his fill and wanted more.

He chuckled, "It's nothing, ladies! Nothing going on here."

The girls except you and your friend who came along glared at the young man. Yaoyarozu grabbed your wrist and hurried off to lunch, looking back multiple times to see if he was following. The body language she was putting off, she feared the little man who possibly had an extreme case of dwarfism with fear in her eyes.

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