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February 18th, 1995 8:45 AM GENERAL POV

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February 18th, 1995
8:45 AM

Today was one of the busiest days of the week so far, they had a full house and people where even on the waiting list! Sabrina and Oliver where the two Servers and they had no hostess, so they where basically screwed. "WHY THE HELL DID PAYTON NOT SCHEDULE A FUCKING HOSTESS?" Ashley yelled as Oliver came up behind her and put his hand over her mouth. "Settle. Down." He said as Ashely rolled her eyes.

Everyone was running around at this point and it was a lot. "Hey Ashley can you get this table for me?" Sabrina asked. "I cant serve tables." Ashley said as she stopped filling a fruit cup. "Come on, just this once please?" Sabrina begged. "No, get Leah or someone who actually knows how to take orders to do it!" She said but Sabrina just stood there. "What?" Ashley asked clearly pissed off. "You have to do it." She said as Ashley took the writing pad and pen.

"Hello, I'm Ashley I'm standing in for your actual server." She said trying to fake a smile as she stood in complete silence because no one said anything. "Okayyy, can i get you guys anything to drink?" She asked. "Um yeah I'll have a water." One girl said as no one said anything else. "Okay, is that all?" Ashley asked as they all nodded.

"Sabrina, who the fuck are they?"Ashley asked Sabrina as she was filling water glasses. "I don't know." She responded. "Oh yeah the people as booth 5, yeah they're weirdos." Oliver said. "Okay well I'm done, sab its your table deal with it." Ashley said putting the pad and pen on the table.

12:32 PM

"Yeah we should totally start an embroidery club." Emma said shaping dough. "I'm down." Bailey the other baker said, their conversation got cut short by Leah handing Ashley the phone. "Its for you." Leah said as Ashley took the phone. "Hello?" Ashley asked in her 'phone voice' .

"ASH I NEED A BLT RIGHT NOW ARE YOU WORKING?" Ashleys friend Hannah asked. "I wouldn't have picked up if I wasn't working." Ashley laughed. "Right, Anyways I'll be there in about 5 minutes okay bye! Love you!" She said quickly. "Uh okay." Ashley said. Her friend Hannah and her have been friends since basically forever, Hannah used to work there but she stopped because she had to much going on.

"Have you seen ben since Valentine's Day?" Leah asked me. "Who?" Ashley asked confused. "Ben? Really cute guy, kinda dorky, tried to flirt with you." Leah said as she described him. "Oh yeah...him." She said looking at the orders that where on the table, yes he had come back, and no he didn't talk to her.

She probably scared him away somehow, he was a shop regular and talked a lot according to everyone else here. Payton, the assistant manager said that he sometimes talks about Ashley, that also could just be Payton over exaggerating things like she usually does.

"Well?" Leah asked as she waited there for an answer. "Yeah, he came in yesterday, but he didn't talk to me." She said getting ketchup for a burger and fries that Tyler put down. "Are we still talking about that dipshit?" Tyler asked the two girls in front of him.

"Yeah? Why?" Ashley asked fixing her hair. "Jay goes to school with him, and supposedly his a dumbass. Anyways thats for table 2." He explained. "Okay got it." Ashley quietly said as she did a spin to the swinging doors, but as she was going though it of course another spill incident happened.

This always happens. The hostess Mary-Anne came slowly in though the middle of the doors, she was supposed to go though the left side and Ashley was going though the right side. "Oh no! Sweetie! I'm so sorry!" Mary-Anne said trying to help her up. "Oh no, its fine Anne! Just go-" "hey you alright?" Ashley was about to get mad at Mary-Anne but was cut off by a familiar voice.

Ben. Of course it was him. "Uh-y-yeah I'm fine." She said as he grabbed her hand and helped her up. "Good. Um have a good day." He said awkwardly as he waved goodbye.

5:12 PM

Ashley was sitting at a window seat with her friend Hannah, David, Tyler and Emma where cleaning the place up. They decided to close early since no one had come in since 2:00 (except Hannah of course.) "hey ash! You okay?" She asked her as Ashley was looking outside. "Oh-uh yeah." She said snapping out of her gaze. "Anyways i think i May break up with Tom." Hannah said continuing her story.

"Wait, what?" Ashley asked confused, Hannah and Tom have been dating for about 2 years now and they where best friends before the started dating. "I don't know, its just not fun anymore. I'm only 16! I want to live my life and have fun right now." She explained. "Oh ok, but you do realize that you're also going to be breaking a friendship of 10 years too." Ashley said taking a sip of her drink.

"Maybe if I explain it to him he may want to stay friends." Hannah thought out loud, she tends to do that often. "Maybe." Ashley replied looking out into the streets of San Francisco. "IM HERE TO PICK UP A MISS ASHLEY RENNE ANDERSON!" Everyone heard someone say, it was Ashleys older sister Claire. "Hey Claire bear!" Ashley taunted.

"Hey! No ones called me that since i was 10!" Claire gasped dramatically. "Claire bear!!" David mocked as she playfully flipped him off. "You ready to go kiddo?" She asked as Ashley nodded. "Well she you later love!" Hannah said hugging Ashley. "Bye cutie!" Ashley responded as they both laughed.

"Bye ash! Chocolate milk for the road?" David asked, a couple years ago Ashley and David created a 'club' of just them called the chocolate milk bitches so its now the only thing David will make her. "Not today Dave, see you Monday!" She said high-fiving him. "Bye to the queen herself!" Emma said as they laughed and gave each other a hug. "Bye em!"

"Bye ty!" Ashley said passing though the kitchen to say bye to Tyler. "BYE ASH!" He yelled giving her an 'air five'.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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