#58 The Tangled Princess

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The Tangled Princess by @nonameleftxx

In the story the main character talks about 'dominance'. I didn't really get what it was - I don't think you ever explained it. So if you could have a brief explanation in one of the earlier chapters then that would clear up a lot of mishaps.

Dialogue setting was inconsistent. You need to stick to the comma before you close the speech mark and put the dialogue tag in lower case. A good idea would be to pick up any book and go through it, taking note of how the dialogue is set out.

More description would have been nice. We as readers don't know anything about what this magical world looks like. If you could add some in it would really enhance the writing.

Numbers spelled out look more formal

You sometimes had unnecessary capitals in places (especially after commas). They should only come at the beginning of sentences and for the names of things.

I would really recommend if you proofread before you published - I think you'd be able to clear any mistakes beforehand.

Good weighing up of pros and cons when the princess was making her decision to go with the king.

You had some tense jumps. Try to keep the story in the past tense throughout.

One thing about the love interest - we don't even know his name!!

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