Talk That Talk

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|Blue's POV|

After breakfast with the fam, uncle Ye dropped me back off at home. Nori was going to come too, but she said she had something to do with aunt Kim. I think she was just trying to get rid of me to talk to Cameron faster.

I was staring out the window and I didn't even realize Uncle Ye was talking to me.

"Blue!" he semi-shouted to get my attention.

I turned my head and just nodded in agreeance to whatever he had said.

His eyes shifted between me and the road and he said, "What's on your mind Blue. Don't lie either. I could tell something has been bothering you for a while."

I leaned back in the seat contemplating on whether or not to talk to him. I mean if anyone would understand it would be Uncle Ye. Yeah he was protective, sometimes overprotective, but he always kept it real and never judged.

"It's just this guy. I thought we were hitting it off well. I mean we've been talking for quite some time he just never asked me out. I get it I'm younger than him or whatever. Then last night at the party I saw a completely different side of him. We were hanging with Egypt and his crew when this guy asked me to dance. I did. Then he got too touchy feely and Egypt pulled me away. Then the guy I thought liked me said I wasn't his girl. He ignored me all night just staring and when I would look his way acting as if he wasn't looking. Then he texted me and said he wants to talk. I wasn't for it, but Nori texted him back saying I would so I'm sure that's why she ditched me today," I said, letting everything out.

Uncle Ye didn't say anything for a couple minutes. I guess he was processing everything I said.

He cleared his throat and said, "I don't want you or Nori being tied down to a guy as young as you two are, but I do understand that you have come to that age to start dating. This guy you're talking about is dumb just like a lot of men are. Hell I was dumb at one point. You can google that about me. You'll know when it's right, trust me. It's a feeling that you can't shake. Right now you might feel this dude is the one and he could be too blind to see it. You could also be blind to the fact that this is the first guy you've really ever talked to, and don't tell me he's not. You're head over heels for him and maybe you should take a step back and focus on you."

"I've been doing that the whole time. It's been a year Uncle Ye. A year of him not asking me out, but acting weird when I'm around other guys," I responded in frustration.

He sighed and paused before saying, "Look. I understand what you're saying, but you're not hearing me. You've been adjusting your schedule for him. Maybe it's time for you to solely focus on yourself and not worry about fitting him anywhere. If it's mean for you guys to hang out it will happen organically. He's shuffling around the idea of you being his girlfriend and from his actions at the party and his text messages he clearly likes you. You are not expected to wait around forever to see if he'll decide if he wants you when last night he was all over another girl.

I put my head down knowing he was wrong. Maybe I was too invested. We pulled up to my house minutes later and Uncle Ye stopped me before I could get out.

"If you ever want to talk do not hesitate to call, okay," he said.

I simply nodded and he pulled me into a hug. I headed into the house and heard laughing from the kitchen. I walked in to see my parents and Egypt.

"Hey guys," I said walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Blue," my mom said giving me a hug.

I walked up to my dad kissing his cheek as pulled me to sit down. I did my handshake with Egypt and sat down.

"How was your night?" my dad asked.

I nodded and replied, "It was cool. What brings you by Egypt?"

He stood up and said, "I just came to say wassup to your parentals and to talk to you for a little bit."

I caught on to what he wanted to talk about and stood up as well. "Yeah, we can talk in the backyard."

My parents just looked at each other knowing that something happened at the party. I ignored their glares and headed outside with Egypt.

Once outside, he said, "So I talked to Cameron this morning. He said you agreed to talk to him. You good?"

I laughed at how protective he was of me. Always has been. "Nori sent that text. I need to talk to him anyway. He needs to make a decision. If we're friends he needs to state that. If he wants more than that then he needs to say something. I'm tired of being a mind reader you know. Everyone can see I really like this guy, but I can't be desperate," I responded.

He nodded and said, "Everything will work out. If you need me, call me."

"Will do bro, will do," I said and gave him a hug.

He went and said goodbye to my parents as I stayed outside. I went and laid in my hammock chair just to clear my mind. My mom came out a little while after and sat in the grass.

"Hey mom," I said smiling at her.

She patted a spot next to her in the grass for me to come sit next to her. I went and laid in the grass next to her and put my head in her lap as she played in my hair.

"So, what's going on with you and Cameron?" she asked.

I looked up at her and said, "Nothing mom. That's the problem, absolutely nothing."

I went on to explain everything that happened at the party plus my convo with Uncle Ye. The whole time she never interrupted me she just listened. Once I was I was completely finished then she spoke.

"Your uncle is right. Maybe it's time for you to take a step back. I know you really like him and there will be plenty more boys you'll be interested in. This is really a decision you make on your own. I mean we can give you but so much advice. The final decision is yours," she said.

I just lay silently in her lap trying not to think about it. Sooner or later, I'd have to face Cameron. After a while my mom tapped me and said let's go inside. She offered to take me shopping to get my mind off my situation, but I opted to get it over with. I texted Cameron and told him to meet me at Starbucks by my house to talk and he said he'd be on his way. I told my mom where I was going and she told me I could take her car. Yes, I was finally allowed to drive after having my permit held hostage for months on end.

I showered and changed into my workout clothes because I would be going to the gym once I finished talking to him. I grabbed my purse and headed to Starbucks and I walked in to see he was in the back with a drink for him and a drink for me. Man, why did he have to be so observant. There's so many things I liked, but last night still has me feeling some type of way.

"Hey," I said as I approached the table.

"Hey," he replied standing up and giving me a hug. He pulled out my chair for me to sit.

Once he sat back down he put his phone away to give me his undivided attention.

"Thanks for meeting me Blue. I got your favorite," he said grabbing my hand.

I pulled my hand back and got serious and said, "Yeah we need to talk. Thanks for the drink."

He nodded and I began to speak. "Let me get to the point. I'm not sure what last night was, but it was foul. Aside from that dude pushing up on me. No I wasn't expecting you to jump in and punch him in the face. I also wasn't expecting you to act like that and be all over that girl like you were. To be honest I'm not a damn mind reader Cameron and I need to know where we stand. It's this simple. I really don't want an apology. I want to know what is this. Are you interested or not. Don't keep leading me on."

He sat there semi-stunned that I went off like that. I never yelled, never raised my voice, but I spoke with authority. I demanded answers.

"I want to be with you Blue," he simply responded.

I shook my head and replied, "No. Do you want to be with me because you do not want to see me with anyone else? Or do you really want to be with me genuinely. I do not want to be a pawn Cameron. Be real with me."

"I could not be any more real with you. I know I was a dumb ass last night for what I did. I also know that seeing that dude on you did make me realize I do not want to see you with anyone else. If you want me to sit here and tell you I see a lifetime with you I can't say that. I do know that right now I do want to see where this can go. Last night could have blown my chance, but that's where I stand. I want to be with you Blue," he said.

I really didn't know what to say. A part of me wanted to jump and dance that he finally said how he felt, but another part of me wanted to throw the remainder of my drink in his face. I wasn't sure what to say. He told me what I wanted to hear, but I really had no answer.

Teenage BluesWhere stories live. Discover now