Ch 16. Your anxiousness

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"Quiet down class, we will now start"

The camp teacher yelled out as she flipped her notebook in her left hand. They were all outside again, all gathered around the bonfire waiting for the new activity to be announced

It was almost evening and they were all getting tired from the darkness slowly coming in. The teacher had decided it would be a good time to start the marshmallow grilling and having a bonding time at this hour of the day

"We will today have a fun time together here at the bonfire, but first you will all get to work and start up this fire"

She started, eyes darting from student to student. You could feel the energy drop when Taehyungs classmates heard the word 'work" being brought in the conversation. They never were a big fan of being active

The camp teacher started shortly after announce who does what while they all went back to their constant chatting. Jimin nudged Taehyung side to get the latter's attention. He managed to get it as Taehyung turned to look at him

"I'm not feeling well, can you tell the teacher I'm going back inside?"

Jimin told, clutching his stomach to show where his pain was located. The other reacted fast when Jimin finished what he was saying, which made him grab a hold of the blondes shoulders

" Are you okay? Do you need me to follow you inside?"

"Calm down Tae, I'm okay, I just need to rest a bit"

Jimin chuckled at his best friend, squeezing his hand to reasurre his concern before he got up from the stub they were sitting on. He had managed to convince Taehyung to let him go back inside alone before he left the blue haired to get back in the cabin

Taehyung was left gathered around theacher who was still announcing the others work. His attention got caught again when he heard his name being read by her tounge

"Kim Taehyung, you're in charge of buying the marshmallow"

Buying marshmallows

His mind worried about his job as he didn't know how to buy marshmallows in a camp. Was there a store around here?

He gupled nervously, while his hands danced together as he waited for the announcement of the others to be made. He had in plan to ask the teacher were the shop was while he would go and tell her about Jimin

He had managed to calm down before the teacher finished talking. Taehyung got up from his warm seat who had been ice cold half an hour ago beneath him. He started to take his steps towards the teacher, repeating his lines on what to say in his head while doing so

He stopped just before her, she had her eyes on the notebook she always carried around. He cleared his voice nervously to get her attention which he succeeded with as she snapped her head to look at him

"can I help you with anything?"

"Uhm, yeah. I needed to tell you that Jimin isn't feeling well so he went back inside to rest.."

He told, awkwardly watching as she wrote down the information about his friend as she nodded her head in response. The pen seemed to write slower than it was supposed to be

He had his feet still on the ground even after she had finished to touch her paper with her pen. His shoes were really interesting to keep his eyes on as he didn't notice her eyes coming up to stare at him with confusion in her gaze

"Is there anything else?"

She asked, which caught Taehyung back to reality as his cheeks turned crimson red from embarrassment hitting him. He cleared his throat once again, repeating his lines once again

"Where is the store to buy marshmallows?"

He asked, getting his response back which was the direction to an old village just around the corner. He smiled awkwardly after, feeling a bit uneasy about going to a village all by himself

He wondered what kind of things there were at a place like that

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