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finn @rebel.scum: first day of school!! first day of school!! first day of school!!!!!

rey! @lightsxber (replying to @rebel.scum): i.......can't believe you're such a nerd???

finn @rebel.scum (replying to @lightsxber): at least i don't leave empty juice containers in the fridge!

rey! @lightsxber (replying to @rebel.scum): i'm doing my best here buddy

finn @rebel.scum (replying to @lightsxber): you're full of shit

- - -

"Finn! Are you ready? We have class in ten," Rey calls into the apartment from where she's drinking the last of the orange juice out of the container.

"I'm coming!" Finn calls from his bedroom. He's changed his shirt four times in the last twenty minutes. He rubs his hands over his face in the mirror, lets out a low sigh, and slings his backpack over his shoulder.


"Okay, okay!" Finn slips his shoes on and heads for the front door, rolling his eyes at Rey as she finishes off the jug, leaving it on the counter. "I hate you."

Rey rolls her eyes. "Sure you do," she says, linking her arm through Finn's and heading out the door.

"You have your keys?"

" But I have my you!" she says brightly. "You have your keys, right?"

"I always have my keys. You're a nightmare." He leans over and kisses the top of her head all the same. "Do you know anything about the professor?"

"Not really. I was scrolling through Twitter trying to find anything. People say she's tough, but that's all."

"What's her name again?" Finn asks as they head into the building where their class is.

"Professor Organa." Rey takes a seat in the back of the classroom, and Finn rolls his eyes and tugs on her wrist until she follows him up to the fourth row. "I hate sitting this close. You know I do."

"I know, but if we don't, I could miss something really important. I'm excited, Rey."

Rey rolls her eyes fondly, but he clearly is excited, and it's kind of adorable. He's shaking his leg and fidgeting with his pencil, and if she didn't love him so much, she would be annoyed. Professor Organa makes her way onstage, and Finn rests his cheek on his knuckles, beaming up at her.

"You look like a creep," Rey whispers.

"Shut up," he whispers back, scrawling the date down in his notebook. Professor Organa starts to lecture, explaining the syllabus for the course. Rey wrinkles her nose in displeasure – when Finn had described the class, it had sounded like fun, but now it just sounds like a basic literature class.

"Yes, you there, in the front row," Professor Organa calls on Finn, who beams.

"I was just wondering, for the essay – and I know it's not due for a month, but –"

Finn's interrupted by the door to the lecture hall slamming open and hitting the wall. Finn winces in embarrassment for the guy who did it, but he just strolls in, unfazed, carrying an iced coffee.

"Hey, don't stop on my account," the guy says, grinning at Finn. Finn turns back around, face warm.

"Mr. Dameron, I'd appreciate it if you didn't cause a ruckus while coming into my classroom," Professor Organa says, but not harshly. She seems amused, but turns back to Finn. "What was your question?"

"Uh – I forgot," Finn mutters, face even warmer now.

- - -

finn @rebel.scum: @ the guy who came into lecture late as fuck and made me forget my VERY!! IMPORTANT!! QUESTION!!: fuck u

rey! @lightsxber (replying to @rebel.scum): he has bde

finn @rebel.scum (replying to @ lightsxber): bde???

rey! @lightsxber (replying to @rebel.scum): big dick energy, finn

finn @rebel.scum (replying to @lightsxber): he did NOT

rey! @lightsxber (replying to @rebel.scum): look me in my eyes and tell me you wouldn't let him top u

finn @rebel.scum (replying to @lightsxber): BLOCKED

- - -

poe @damneron: ok not to be like that but walking into prof organa's lecture 15 mins late w an iced coffee was a power move

rose @ticorose (replying to @damneron): why are you like this. prof organa wanted to smite you

poe @damneron (replying to @ticorose): did she rly?? i was a lil distracted, the guy who was asking a question as i walked in had the cutest look on his face...... uwu.......

rose @ticorose (replying to @damneron): you're a gay nightmare

poe @damneron (replying to @ticorose): don't i know it

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