Chapter 12

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For the whole rest of the day, I don't think my smile left my face once. My heartbeat was rushing constantly, and I couldn't stop tapping tables or swinging my legs while I was sitting through classes. I was just ready to get home and tell my parents the news. And gloat about it to Meredith.

Grayson and I had agreed to meet up at the ballfield today after practice. Once I got there, he had a small smile on his face, which I knew he was faking. He watched me the whole time I was walking towards him, and once I was within arms reach, he pulled me into him and wrapped his muscular arms around me.

At this point, I absolutely knew something was up. I wrapped mine around him as well, even though they didn't do much compared to his. He held me tighter than I think he ever has before, and didn't let go for what felt like forever.

When he finally pulled away, I took a quick glance at his face and immediately noticed the tired look in his eyes. "Gray, what's wrong?" I asked quietly. He shook his head and stared at the ground. I placed my hands on the sides of his face and pulled his head up softly, forcing him to look me in the eyes. "Gray?"

"My dad's having an affair," he said softly. Another small smile crept onto his face, the kind of smile you give someone before you start crying. He wasn't about to cry, but you could tell he needed to.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," I said. He shrugged his shoulders. "What can ya' do about it, right?"

I sighed. "Are you okay?"

He shrugged again. "I'm okay for now. My mom is crushed though. She's making him move out and I think he's moving in with his parents for now."

I've always loved Grayson's mom. Ever since I first met her when we moved into the house next to theirs, she's treated me like she would one of her own kids. She is definitely one of the kindest people I've ever met and it kills me to know she's going through this. His dad, on the other hand, I could've lived wihout seeing every time I went over there.

"What an ass," I said. He chuckled. "I know."

He took in a deep breath and blew out, making eye contact with me again. "But, nevermind that. You said you had big news, so spill."

I almost wanted to lie about it and say something small, like I got an A on a test, but he always knows when I'm lying, always, so there was no point in trying to lie. "I got accepted into UCLA," I said quietly.

"Wait, what?!" He yelled. I was taken back by his voice and felt my eyes widen. I couldn't help but smile, even though I didn't want to make myself seem too happy for his sake right now.

He pulled me into another giant bear hug, laughing and smiling the way he's always laughed and smiled. At least he's feeling a little better, or at least trying to. "I'm so proud of you, baby," he said against my shoulder.

I smiled too, knowing that my life, right now, in this moment, was good. Not perfect, but good.

Until it wasn't.

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