Chapter 19

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2 Weeks Later
Grayson and I didn't speak at all after that night. He didn't call, or talk to me at school, or show up at my games or practices. He just disappeared off the face of my earth. I thought so many times about trying to talk to him, but I refused to let myself. One night though, I came closer than I probably ever had before. I was about to knock on his window, until I saw him enter his room with Melanie.

My heart shattered. Not broke, or cracked, shattered. Every single time after that when I started to miss him, all I could picture was that night.

Our graduation was tonight, and, surprisingly, I was excited for it. Probably the first thing I've been excited about these past two weeks. Loren and I were in my room, putting on makeup and getting ready when suddenly there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, I was surprised to see Ethan standing there.

"Ew, creeper!" Loren yelled, throwing a hairbrush at him. She was in a very revealing tank top and booty shorts, just her normal, every day look. I laughed and added another layer of lipstick, completing my makeup. Ethan smirked. "You practically come to school naked everyday anyways, Lori."

She gave him the finger. He looked over at me, losing his smirk. "Can we talk?" I nodded and stepped out into the hall with him. Ethan was kind of like your best friend's brother that you only talk to occasionally but deep down actually love hanging out with.

"I'm really worried about Gray," he said once we were in the hallway. I shook my head and threw my hand up. "No, no talking about Grayson. I'm in a good mood right now and this is just gonna ruin it."

He frowned. "Lee, I'm serious."

I groaned and leaned against the wall. "I am too, Ethan. I don't wanna hear about it."

"He's been coming home really late and acting a lot more aggressive. He even brought home that slutty Melanie chick that he went to that dance with, and he hates her," Ethan explained, despite me specifically telling him I didn't wanna hear it. Dick.

"E, I don't know what you want me to do. I needed space from him. If I meant anything to him at all he would've called or tried to fix things, but he didn't, so message received."

He nodded. "I know, and I'm not trying to get you to do anything. I just don't know what to do. He's never been like this."

"Just give him some time, maybe he'll be better when he's able to play ball again," I said.

"Maybe. Hey, you're going to UCLA after graduation, right?" Ethan asked. "Yeah, why?" I said.

He shrugged. "Just wondered. Congrats on getting in, by the way." I smiled. "Thanks." He left right after that, and my good mood was still somewhat in tact.

                                                            《  5 days later  》

I threw my carry-on bag over my shoulder and gave my mom and sister one last wave goodbye before turning around and heading towards my flight. The airport was insanely busy, and there were dozens of people going in every direction. My heart was going a mile a minute. This was happening. This was actually happening.

Leaving my familywas hard, leaving my school, my teammates, and my friends was hard, but leaving Grayson the way we left things off? That alone almost made me not want to go. If we had to break up, which honestly, despite how devastated I am, was the right decision, I don't know why it had to be that way. We could've at least said goodbye.

I snapped my mind out of that place. I was going to the University of Freaking Los Angeles, California to dedicate the next few years of my life to something I adored. I was growing up, and starting a new chapter in my life, that with or without Grayson, was gonna be a good one; I was determined.

How could I possibly feel upset right now? I took my seat on the airplane and let my eyes drift to the window. This was a clean slate, I told myself, and my dreams were literally coming true right in front of me. The thing is though, all of my dreams, and hopes for the future, had Grayson somewhere in them. And as much as I wanted to, I couldn't find him anywhere in them anymore. Even though deep down, I knew that was where he belonged.

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