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"Now introducing, Leah Camden-Dolan, number 22!" The announcer yelled through the speakers. I ran out onto the field, taking in the applause and the cheering. The rest of my teammates names were announced, and we all took our places on the field after we had talked to the coach for our opposing team.

I fired in a few practice pitches to our catcher as we waited for our first batter. The night sky was painted with small specks of light, and the moon was shining brightly among them. The entire setting was perfect. Like a dream.

I glanced over at the front row of the crowd, at the reserved seats.

Grayson sat in the very first one, with our 2-year-old daughter sitting on his lap with little black streaks on her face, wearing my first ever softball hat. The bill fell over her little face, but I could still see her smile. They both waved and cheered.

I smiled at both of them and blew them a kiss before the batter stepped up, taking her place in the box. Over the top of her helmet, I could still see her and Grayson waving and cheering, giving me an extra boost of motivation.

"Play ball!"

for the love of the game ; g.d.Where stories live. Discover now