Prologue: That Winter on the 16th of December

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"Number 67, please step onto the stage and introduce yourself."

It's alright, I can do this! You've rehearsed this so many times, you can't back out now!

The dark green-haired boy gulped as he stood up. His green low ponytail trailed behind him like a green snake as he stepped onto the stage with his acoustic guitar. The five judges were onto him, waiting for him to introduce himself. He took several deep breaths, composed himself, focused his sights at the wall behind the judges and spoke clearly.

"My name is Aizawa Rei, nice to meet you. The song I'm going to sing is Dear by Tomohisa Sako, please listen."

He asked for a chair, where he sat down and adjusted his guitar over his crossed right leg.

After testing out a few chords on his guitar to make sure the sound was just right, he then adjusted the microphone in front of his mouth.

This was it, he came here all the way from Hokkaido for this. For his brother, he would do anything to make him smile. Please fulfill my dreams o' Kami-sama, Rei silently prayed, hoping that his prayer was heard by God. Then, he sang.

That was the day his life changed forever. That was what started everything, that one winter day on the 16th of December.

A/N: Alas! This fanfic will be longest I've ever done! I hope it'll be enough to make up for my absence but... anyways! This is how Aizawa Rei would look like and this fanart of Naoi Ayato from Angel Beats just nailed it. Credits goes to the owner :)

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