Song of the Heart

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"Ahhh, as I thought it's not good enough."

I crumpled up the music sheet and tossed it into the wastepaper basket which was half-full with my rubbish. Theory was easy, but practical work isn't my thing. But I have to pass the recording test, yet I decided to take a break thinking maybe the stress was getting to my head. After all, I have the tendency to overthink things.

"No ideas yet, Rei?"

Syo looked over from his bed, glancing at my pile of rejected works. He was reading a magazine and eating some chips, and since he had finished reading it he was now just eating chips.

"Nope, looks like composing isn't as easy as I thought it'll be. I can't write lyrics yet unless I get the melody, so it's been a headache for me."

"Poor Rei-chan~ taking both courses is no joke... I know! How about looking at some visual image to help?"

"Visual... image?"

"Yes! Like this!"

From below his bed, Natsuki pulled out a horrifying pink frilly dress, complete with ribbons and tiny little pearls embedded into the fabric. I backed off a little, literally disgusted by the dress. However, it was not for me. Syo's face turned pale as he got up and edge away slowly to the end of the bed.


Natsuki smiled menacingly as he inched closer to Syo and held up the dress. I slowly made my way to the doorknob, ready to run the moment Natsuki attacked.

"C'mon Syo-chan~ Put on the dress~!"


I ran out the room, feeling quite guilty for leaving Syo behind. Sorry Syo, I'll never forget your sacrifice. Now that my work was totally obstructed, I decided to take a walk around the school and see who I could ask for help. As if right on cue, I saw Otoya walking by the opposite side, so I ran up to him.

"Hey Otoya!"

"Huh? Oh hey Rei! What's up?"

"Nothing, I just need help with music composing. Has Nanami finished composing her piece yet for you?"

"Yes! I'm going to start writing lyrics right away! Look at how amazing it is, we worked together to make this!"

He showed me the music sheet he held, and immediately my jaw dropped. What I was looking at was a really good composition of music utilizing the best chords to create such a harmonious tune. In fact, if someone told me some famous composer did it I wouldn't even doubt it.

"This is incredible! Nanami is so brilliant coming up with such music!"

"I know right! What about your piece? Is it going well?"

I scratched my head. "Ah about that... I haven't got an idea about what to do yet..."

Otoya placed his hand on my shoulder, which made me jump slightly.

"If it's you then there's no problem! You'll come up with a tune in no time! Just follow your heart!"

"... Heart?"

Now Otoya was the one scratching his head. "Eh... I don't know how to say this but it'll come to you soon so don't worry Rei! See you later, I'm off to work on my lyrics with Nanami!"

Well at least someone's happy. I waved and yelled "Bye!" before continuing along the corridor, thinking hard on what he meant. Follow your heart? What does that even mean?

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