Starting Anew

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I dragged my luggage bag behind me out of the gates of Saotome Academy, cursing why the hell did I pack so much clothes. Did I leave anything behind? Well, nope but...

...I was leaving behind my friends, Makoto, my dream, memories... everything.

No, you can't cry now Reina, I thought to myself firmly. It's because of my decision it became like this. I didn't know who it was faking those documents, but thanks anyways for letting me experience something so precious in days to come.

The train wouldn't be coming in another 30 minutes, so I had time to kill. No place to go. Where should I go now? Once I board the train and reach Nagoya, what should I do?

...Does it really matter? Anywhere would do. There's no way I can face everyone again, especially Makoto. I've hurt him twice, what a despicable person I am. In the end, I chose to rest in a park near the Fukuoka General Hospital, where Kazu had been admitted. Nah, Kazu's probably not in there anymore. I've got to start moving on already.

Leave everything behind. Don't think about it. Don't feel about it. Conceal it, don't feel it. Anything. Just don't cry...

I sat onto the grass and curled up into a ball. The tears I held in began to pour again, and soon I found myself crying hard. I understood it well, and yet I didn't. I knew nobody would come to help me, and yet I wished for it. How ironic.

Perhaps this is for the best. Perhaps I was better off without music. Someone, help me please.


That voice... Haruka? Wait, she called me Reina? I turned around to see Haruka, Tomochika, Otoya, Hijirikawa, Ichinose, Syo, Natsuki and even Jinguji Ren (?) running towards me, all of them out of breath and about to collapse. They were looking for me?

"Reina-san! Thank goodness you're here!"


She pulled me into a bear hug right away, not giving me any time to react. Why... was she crying for me?

"Rei, we heard about what happened. Don't run away, come back and we'll figure something out. Together."

"We're friends right? Please, let us help you. Let us help you save your dream."

I pushed Haruka away and stood up, trying to avoid their looks of pity. I had to be strong now, or I would end up crying all over again.

"I'm sorry, I... this... this is something inevitable, something I would have to do eventually. Thank you all for visiting me, but this is goodbye."



Everyone jumped at that yell and from behind Otoya's red hair, I could see Makoto running towards me, along with Kazuya. No, Kazu's the last person I want to know about this!

"Kazu?! Makoto why did you call him?!"

Makoto didn't reply, but Kazu did.

"I came here as soon as I got Mum's call. Those fake documents and whatsoever, I was the one behind it."


"I'm the one who made all those documents and sent them to Mum and Dad. Masato's been behind it as well."


"Hijirikawa?! You knew about me as well?! About me being a girl?! When?!"

"Since the very beginning, before you even enrolled. I'm a friend of your brother's as well, and together we've been helping you ever since. We didn't expect your mother's visit to St. George's though."

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