Almost Revealed

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"We've finally arrived! Don't leave anything in the bus and be sure you have all your belongings with you!"

I got off the bus with my backpack and guitar, looking around. Today was the day we have a summer camp at Shining Saotome's private beach. Not only was this trip held to release stress, it was also a good opportunity to find a partner for the year-end assignment. This time, I also had to find a partner, either from the idol course or the composer course for this project, so I wondered who could I choose for this project. As expected, there were many cabins everywhere and further pass the white sands the beautiful sea matched the colour of the blue sky. I brightened up and looked up at the cloudless sky. Yes, this was going to be a really fun trip.

"Okay, gather around now everyone!" Ryuuya-sensei's voice called through a megaphone from the steps leading to a cabin. I managed to squeeze myself through until I reached the front and smiled at Haruka and Tomochika who too were in front as well.

"Now, now before we can get started, let me brief you on a few things that you must follow at all times. No littering everywhere and go anywhere alone, this place is known to be haunted so make sure you bring someone with you."

Some of the girls began whispering among themselves in panic. I felt a cold sweat trickle down my forehead. Ghosts? Oh that's great because I don't deal well with them.

"And finally, love is forbidden! As long as you don't break any of these rules, you are free to do whatever you want."

A few people murmured, obviously not happy with that rule. However, we did come here to learn and not fall in love. I strengthen my resolve, remembering that I still have lots of things to improve on.

"Be at the main hall we passed by earlier by 6pm for dinner! Also, the roomkeys will be given out by Ringo-sensei at 2pm over here, so you can go play while waiting for the keys."

With a "Yes!", everyone went their separate ways. Some ran straight to the beach, already partying somewhere as they played about like little children. The others including me went to drop off our bags near the cabins. I spotted Hijirikawa and Otoya nearby so I quickly put down the guitar and went over to them.

"Hey guys have you gotten your partners for the assignment yet?"

"Oh hey there Rei! Not yet, but I'm planning to ask someone though."

"Me too, sorry Rei I've already made up my mind as well."

My shoulders slouched a little, but the cheerful look on my face stayed.

"It's alright, I can always ask someone else-"

Suddenly, a few of the girls behind me stopped and stared at me.

"Huh? Aizawa-kun is looking for a partner?"

"And I thought he didn't need to have one too! What luck!"

The number of girls sharing the same enthusiasm were an astonishing number. Uh oh, not good. Otoya merely laughed as he watched me back off a little.

"Hahaha looks like you're quite popular Rei! You better start running or they'll get you~!"

"E-Eh? EHHH?!"

I sprinted as soon as the girls made their way towards me. If it was only one person then okay fine but so many at once?! There's no way I can simply pick one of them like that! Besides, Otoya is wrong, for what reason would they be after me?! Why not them?!

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt as soon as I bumped hard into somebody. Both of us fell down and it looked like I had bumped into Natsuki. Oh man, what am I doing? Quickly, I got up and offered my hand towards Natsuki.

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