Welcome too New York

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We see a zebra swinging on a vine and screaming like Tarzan.

Marty: Whoo ho ho!!!!

Penguin singing born free then Marty runs to a cliff and jumps. Then a lion runs to him. Marty keeps running.

Alex: surprise!

Marty: Ahhh!!

Marty wakes up and falls of the treadmill.

Marty: Alex do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming when the zebras in the zone leave him alone.

Alex: come on Marty just wanted to wish you happy birthday.

Marty: Hey man thanks.

Alex: (grabs his jaw in pain) oh ah I got something stuck in my teeth can you check it out?

Marty: well you came to the right place dr. Marty will help you. Where is it?

Alex: Down further.

Marty goes deeper down in his mouth and finds a snow globe.

Alex: happy birthday Marty.

Marty: Aww you got me a snow globe you shouldn't have.

Alex: Ya and turn it upside down and look it's snowing ten years old you like it.

Marty then looks sad.

Alex: You don't like it?

Marty: No no I do.

Alex: You don't like it I knew I should of gave you the Alex alarm clock.

Marty: No no it's great really.

Marty put it with the other presents from Alex.

Marty: It's just another year is coming and I'm still doing the same old thing. Standing Over here, over there, eating some grass, go back over here.

Alex: I see your problem.

Marty: Maybe I should go to law school?

Alex: You just got a break out of that boring routine.

Marty: How?

Alex: throw out the old act get out there who knows what you're going to do, add lift improvise boom boom boom.

Marty: huh?

Alex: You know make it fresh.

Marty: Fresh huh? Ok I can do fresh.

Alex: Works for me.

Bells ring and the zoo opens.

Alex: Here come the people Marty oh I love the people it's fun people fun time woo!

Alex jumps to gloria's pool and wakes her up.

Alex: let's go Gloria woo.

Gloria: (yawns) what day is it?

Alex: it's Friday Field trip day!

Gloria: Yes it's field trip day let's get up and go... ten more minutes.

Alex goes to Melman's pad.

Alex: come on Melman, Melman, Melman, Melman, Melman, Melman. Wake up rise and shine.

Melman gets out of his pen with a Cone on.

Melman: Not me I'm calling I'm calling in sick.

Alex: What?

Melman: I found another brown spot on my shoulder right here see right there, right there you see!

Alex: Melman you know it's all in you're head hum?

Alex goes back to his pen and sees his sister Lexis waking up.

Alex: Morning.

Lexis: Morning.

Lexis gets out her phone Watch ( it's like a phone but a watch it's a cartoon movie I can do what I want) and talks to the Penguins.

Skipper: Today's the day we are going to the wild you ready lexis?

Lexis: I'm going to attend Marty's birthday party then I'll meet you in Grand Central Station OK.

Skipper: Ok but make sure you make it in time for the train.

Lexis: Ok I will don't forget the plan bye. (hangs up).

The Gates open the children come. Moson the chimp gets a newspaper, bagel, and coffee.

Moson: Phil wake up you filthy monkey.

Phil: (Gurgles coffee).

Marty: Oh I'm going to be fresh straight off the ground, tasty fresh, zip lock fresh.

( that's the end of chapter one I hope you enjoy my story so far)

Madagascar (With lioness sister)Where stories live. Discover now