Back on the beach

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Alex runs back to the beach and try's to get in the ocean.

Alex: No! no! no! no!(try's to get in the ocean but Gloria grabs him and holds on to him) My chances are slim but I have too try!

Gloria: You can't swim!

Melman: Ahhh nature it's all over me! I can't see! I can't see! (Gloria gets the leafs off him). I can see! Ahhhh(puts his head in the sand).

Gloria: Look there's obviously been a mistake. I'm sure the people didn't dump us here on purpose when they realize that we are gone they'll come looking for us right?

Melman: Yeah right.

Marty: Yah were out in the wild!!

Lexis: Yay! yay! yay! I'm so happy!!

Gloria: You know I bet there on their way right now.(she let's go of Alex).

Meanwhile with the penguins.

Skipper: Well boys it's gonna be ice cold sushi for breakfast.(they all high one and Rico smacks the captain). Rico!( Rico gets bottle and opens it up).

Private: But what about lexis?

Skipper: She's a strong soldier I'm sure she got out of the police by now.

Private: And if she didn't?

Kowalski: We have to have faith private she will get here.

Skipper: If she doesn't come we will find her and save her ok?

Private: Ok.

Back with the main gang.

Melman: Well sense I'm doomed to die on this island I now make a word too-(The ocean destroys all of the writing). Ohhh sorry Alex.

Marty: Hay you made a train nice work Melman outdoor plumbing.

Alex: No it's not a train it's a grave you sent Melman to his grave are you happy?

Marty: Come on let's just have a good time this is the best thing that's happened to us.

Alex: No no, no no no, no, no this is not the best thing that's happened to us.

Melman: Yeah you overwriting the power of the birthday wish and brought this bad luck on all of us why did you tell us you're wish? You're not supposed to do that!

Marty: Wait a minute I didn't want to tell you remember? You guys made me tell you!

Lexis: He's right!

Melman: Oh yeah ok.

Marty: Besides this isn't bad luck this is good luck look around there's no fences no schedules this place is beautiful baby we are born for this-

Alex: Ok I had enough of this. This is your side of the island is this is our side of the island. That is the bad side were you prance and skip around like a magical pixie horse and do whatever the heck you what to do all day long and this  this is the good side of the island for those who live New York and care about going home.

Marty: Come on can't we-

Alex: No no back no get back!

Gloria: You know this Isn't good.

Marty: Ok you guy have your side and me and Lexis will have ours and if you need us we'll be over here on the fun side of the island having a a good old time.

Lexis: And If you change your mind the fun side is always welcome.

Alex: This is the fun side! This is the Side where we're going to have a great time surviving until we get home! Whoa I love this side this sides the best that side stinks your on the bad side!

Melman: well now what do we do?

Alex: don't worry Melman I got a plan to get us rescued.

Later on in the night Alex is trying to build a statue.

Alex: Can't wait to see the look on Marty and Lexis faces when they see this.

Marty and Lexis are placing leafs down then they fall down.

Alex: Whoa just look at them there helpless without us.

Marty unwinds the vine and the leafs build up to a leaf roof. Alex looks disappoint.

Alex: Shut up small J.

Then we see a Basketball with a face on it and Melman trying to make a fire.

Gloria: I've been Stared in here for hours man how long do I have too stand like this?

Alex: She is done. Behold the key too rescue us from this awful nightmare! What do you think pretty cool ya. How's the liberty fire going Melman?

Melman: Great! Idiot.

Alex: I Heard that!

Melman: Why can't we just borrow Marty and Lexis fire?

Alex: That's wild fire were not using wild fire on lady liberty! Now rub Melman!

Melman: I've been doing this for a while I can't, I can't, I can't do it!(fire forms). Oh fire Yeah I made fire yes! Oh oh no Fire! Fire! Fire!

Alex: Wait no! No no.

Gloria: Jump Alex hump don't worry cats always land on there-(Alex falls down on his face). Face? Now what kind of cat are you?

Melman puts out the fire but the statue burns down.

Alex: You Maniac you burned it up die you all to heck!

Melman: Can we go to the fun side now?

(And that is it for chapter 8 and once again If the main characters lines are wrong they are hard to here and some of them make me cringe LOL 😆 anyway's I hope you enjoy my story).

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