Grand Central Station

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After A few hours when Marty and Lexis left Alex dream about steak.

Alex: Come on now baby. My little filet. My little filet mignon with a little fat around the edges. I like that. I like a little fat on my steak. My sweet, juicy steak. You are a rare delicacy.

Melman: Alex, Alex Alex!

Alex: What What?

Melman: You suck you're thumb?

Alex:(sighs) What is it Melman?

Melman:(panicked) you know that bladder infection I have.So I got up to pee and I look over Marty pen which you know I don't normally do so-

Alex: What Melman what's going on?

Melman: it's Marty he's gone and you're sister.

Alex: Gone!? (bums his head) ow what do you mean gone?

Melman: (checks out hole from the penguins earlier) how long has he been working on this. Marty, Marty!

Gloria: He wouldn't fit down there!

Alex: (looks in hay bed) Marty!, Marty!, lexis!?

Gloria: This doesn't make any sense where would they go!?.

Alex: Connecticut!

Gloria: They wouldn't!

Melman: Oh no what are we going to do we gotta, we gotta, we gotta call somebody!

Alex:(goes to phone and calls someone) hello get me missing animals and hurry we got a lost zebra and lion probably on there way to Connecticut by now and we're gonna need-

Guy on other side:(only hears lion Rowrs) Hello? Hello?

Alex: Wait a second we can't call the people.

Guy on other side: What the-

Alex:(Throws phone away) They'll be really mad they'll get Marty and Lexis transferred for good. You don't but the hand that feeds you!

Gloria: yup I know that's right.

Alex: We got to go after them.

Melman: Go after them?!

Alex: Their not thinking straight we got to stop them from making the biggest mistake of their life's! There probably out there lost, cold, confused poor little guys.

We see Marty walking the streets of New York and Lexis dressed in a disguise. They keep walking when Marty see's a woman wearing a striped shirt. Then carried on there way. Alex goes up the wall and Gloria smash's through the wall.
Gloria: Come on Melman!

Melman: you know maybe one of us should stay here incase they come back?

Gloria: On no not now this is a intervention Melman we all got to go!

Alex: What's the fastest way to Grand Central?

Melman: Oh you should take Lexington.

Gloria: Melman!!

Melman: Ok we should take Lexington.

Alex: What about perk?

Melman: No! Perk goes two ways you'll never time the lights.

Mason: I heard Tom wolf is speaking at Lincoln center.

Phil: (uses sign language).

Mason:Well of course we're going to throw poo at him.

The chimps leave and the rest of the gang. Marty and Lexis are ice skating then Marty falls down. Alex Gloria And Melman get to Lexington.

Alex: I knew we Should've taken the perk. Are you sure this is the fastest way to Grand Central Station?

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