Central Park Zoo

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Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen Children of all ages the zoo proudly presents the king of New York City.

Alex is warming up for his performance.

Alex:Ya ya who's the cat, who's the cat. Alex the lion Rowr.

Announcer: And while you're there check out the sibling Lexis the lion.

Marty: It's show time.

Alex turns on a fan.

Alex: Rowr!!

People take pictures of Alex then cut to Marty.

Marty: Gatter up here people big show going to start. Check the zebra taking care of business ya.

Children: Wow.

Marty then drinks water then spit it out very impressively then spits on the adults

Adults: Ahh eww.

Children: Yay!!!!

Then we see Alex with the crowd then we cut to Gloria swimming and getting pictures of herself. Then we cut to Melman getting medication and getting pictures. Then we cut to lexis doing a fashion show.

Lexis: Hello children make sure you dress nice and It goes with your outfit. (Goes in her pen) this is Animal abuse why am I doing this? Welp  I will get out of here tonight.

We cut to the Penguins.

Skipper: Just smile and wave boys smile and wave Kowalski progress Report!

Kowalski: We're only 500 feet from the main sewer line.

Skipper: And the bad news?

Kowalski: We've broken our last shovel.

Skipper: Right, Rico you're on litter Patrol we need shovels and find more popsicle sticks we don't want to risk another cave in.

Private: And me Skipper?

Skipper: I want you to look cute and Cuddle Private today we're going to blow this dump.

A women: Come here, come here.

Rico takes the kids spoon

Kid: huh?

Skipper: ( calls lexis on the watch phone) ok it's time for your cue Lexis.

Lexis: Ok I'm ready.

Lexis goes out in a purple dress with a fruit hat on.

Announcer: If you look at the lion pen you can see Lexis the lion dressed in a fruity outfit.

All the people get away from the Penguin pen and check out the lion pen then the penguins escape. We cut back to Marty.

Marty: Yeah you like that do ya?

The children laugh but the adults take them away and walk away.

Marty: Yeah come back any time I'll be here for a hole life 565 days a year including Christmas, Hanukkah, Halloween, kwanzaa, And please to never stay on new to your pets and tip you cabin because it's broke.
The Penguins pop out of the dirt.

Skipper: You Quadra play Splack in the English.

Marty: I Sprecken.

Skipper: What Continent is this?

Marty: Manhattan.

Lexis: You guys are still here aren't you supposed to be somewhere?

Skipper: Hoover dam we're still in New York abort dive, dive, dive!

Marty: Hay hay you and the crew wait a minute what are you guys doing?

Lexis: That's classified.

Private: we're digging to Antarctica. ( skipper slaps him).

Marty: Auntwhodca?

Skipper: can you keep a secret my monochromatic friend?

Marty goes closer to skipper.

Skipper: Do you see any Penguins running around New York City?

Lexis: Or lions?

Marty shakes his head no.

Skipper: Of Course and that we don't belong here it's just not natural this is all some kind of whacked out conspiracy.

Lexis: He's right lion are not meant to play dress up.

Skipper: we're going to the wide open spaces of Antarctica to the wild. (They all high one).

Marty: The wild you can actually go there that sounds great.

Marty looks down and the Penguins are gone.

Marty: hey where is this place tell me where it is!

Skipper goes back up the hole.

Skipper: you didn't see anything. Right?

Marty: yes sir. Oh I'm sorry a no sir.

Skipper covers the hole with a cup and leaves.

Lexis: Marty lets keep this thing to ourselves ok.

Marty: Yes ma'am.

Lexis leaves to her pen.

Announcer: the king of New York City Alex the lion.

Alex: Rowr. Thank you people I love you.

People throw Flowers and out of nowhere underwear.

Alex: ah that's nice thanks. (throws it over to Melman's pen then lands on Melman).

Melman: ahh underpants!!!

The zoo closes and get all the people out and give the animals there food first gives Marty grass.

Gloria:( getting a massage and gets fruit) This is the life.

Melman: (Getting more medication and gets a lot of Medicine) oh I'm in heaven.

Alex And lexis get there hair dried and both get steak and eat it all.

Lexis: I'm excited to get out of here I can have more things than steak.

(And that's all for chapter 2 sorry if I'm writing any of the main characters lines wrong it's hard to hear what they are and some of them make me cringe LOL 😆 anyway's I hope you enjoy the story)

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