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Waking up naked and alone a few days ago brought in all sorts of pain.  At that time I felt used, betrayed and rejected, not once but twice.  Who the hell gets rejected twice by the same person? I must've been stupid enough to let him in only for my heart to crumble.  For a minute I thought we were on the same page. Clearly I misread him. 

This time he took what he wanted and left me here probably to rot and die.

Be quiet Jordan, you wouldn't rot here alone.  It was like my mind knew what I was thinking.

Heading downstairs I was met with the bustling staff here and there.  I felt bad not helping out especially if I over slept.

"Madam, you're awake.  How bout some brunch."  One of the staff who I assumed is Margaret coaxed me into the dinning table where she gave me some food. 

I was pleased that I finally have food in my stomach but being in here, everything felt weird.  The last time I was here everyone couldn't stop staring at me, whispering about me, about me seducing Jack.  But now everyone is all smiles.

"Madam," I turned my head to another deep voice. Madam? I sound like an old maid.

"Yes and please call me JR."

"Sir has scheduled a doctor's appointment for your leg this afternoon." Well at least he still thinks of me.

"My leg is fine."  I lied.  I didn't want to go to the doctors.  I was scared of what they might say.  What if I can no longer use my legs fully.  No matter I didn't need a doctor to tell me that.  I can just will my legs on my own.

"But sir..."

"It's fine now, all better.:"  I stuck out my leg to show him.  He looked at it with uncertainty but never pressured me and watch him return back to his post.

This house was big as I limped all over the place.  These past few days I was bored as hell.  I was trying to find something to do when I found out they had no bored games.  Who the hell doesn't have any bored games or at least playing cards.

None the less I tried to keep myself occupied looking at the clock.  Time seems to move slower when you are always watching the clock.

If he isn't going to come home, maybe I should go to him. Now that's a thought.

Leaving the house I was brought back in by Gerad.  A very shocking surprise.  "Gerad!"  I beamed happily seeing a friendly face as I hugged him.  Finally someone to talk too.  All of Jack's men are quiet and reserve and all of the staff here are giving me fake smile.  I just wanted a friend right now, I could use a friend.  "Come let's talk."  Pulling him in, he began to talk how he works for Jack and I was happy for him.  After what happened to Maurice I worried for the men that work for him.

Gerad however told me whatever men was left after that shooting, now works for Jack. At least he didn't leave them hanging. And he is to follow his orders and no one else. But what about mine?


"Oh my god JR you look beautiful."  My friend Alexis handed me a drink.

The music was booming as I watch my two friends sway to the beat.

"Who's the hunk?"  Ivy gleamed when she saw Gerad next to me.

Today I made in a point not to wallow in self pity.  If Jack could go out, why couldn't I.  The only way I could go out however if I take one of Jack's men and I settled for Gerad.  I was more comfortable with him.

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