Parting Gift

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I spent hours with officer Deleon in a room where he asked questions about my parents and Maurice. I was truthful to a point.

Never once disclosing on what actually happened.

"And what about this person, do you know him?" He placed a picture of Jack on the table.

Do I say yes, do I say no. "Nope." I looked away.

"Do not hesitate, or give anything away that you are lying." My dad's voice echoed in my head.

"Are you sure Ms. Richard?"

"Yes now if you are done asking questions we have been here for hours and I'd like to go home. My leg is killing me."

I know my rights. And he couldn't hold me here unless I was being arrested and to top it off I didn't have a lawyer present.

"Very well." He handed me a card. "If you know or hear anything please don't hesitate to call me."

The old photo kept on playing on my mind.

"What about them?"

"I don't know who they are or the little girl but this picture looks old and dad looks much younger."

And so did JJ's voice.

Getting up to my feet I made a decision to see Jack. It was late already and wondered if he would still be up. At least he could tell it to my face that he was getting married.

I even called him several times and he not once answered my call.

Don't know how I got here but I found myself back on his property. Texting him, 'I am outside and I will wait till you come and talk to me.'

I didn't get a reply back however a few seconds later the door open and I was met with a half naked man who looked like he just got out of the shower, "Jordan, what are you doing here?" He looked shocked to see me.

"What am I doing here?" I barged into his home as he held up the towel around his waist, his v-line showing. Water droplets cascading down his body. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"Don't play dumb with me." My voice was now rising.

"Lower your voice Jasmine is sleeping."

"What happened to I love you? If you were going to marry her you should at least told me." He looked surprise that I knew.

"How did you know?"

So it is true and he never once was going to even let me know. "Does that matter, I got my answer." Turning around to leave, "Good bye Jack. I hope you are happy." And I meant it.

But not a single step until I felt his arms around my waist pulling me back crashing me into his hard god like body. "And where do you think you are going?" He whispered into my ears sending my whole body on an over drive.


"No, now that you are here," flipping me around he leaned in forward to give me a kiss.

"You are getting married Jack."


"So, I refuse to be the other woman. You can't have it both ways."

Breathing I watch his eyes now filling with desire, "Who says you are going to be the other woman." He pulled me closer not leaving a single gap.

"Jack." I whispered silently.

"Jordan," he didn't even finish what he was going to say before he crashed his lips onto mine. "You are not leaving me."

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