Dad and Mom

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My wrist was bruised as I was dragged home by Jack himself. Usually I would smile or at least great him but this Jack looked like he wanted to kill me.

"Are you betraying me?" He growled not once looking at me.

"What? N..."

"Then why the fuck are you with him?" His eyes looked at me with hatred. This is beyond the look he used to give me.

Pulling out a gun he pointed at me, his finger on the trigger, "Jack are you really going to do this?" My eyes teared up.

"Don't fucking cry. And don't fucking deny that I didn't just caught you with him."

"Where you following me Jack?"

"Don't change the subject. She was right. She is always right." I should be shock at his response but rather I was more terrified, I was loosing him and what is worse to her.

"Are you talking about Lily Cruz?" I spat her name in disgust.

"Don't say her name like that." He defended.

"So it comes to this. You are going to defend her after what we have been through." My heart was already shattered, please don't shatter it more. "Please Jack give up this business." His work is already dangerous and I fear for him.

"After what we been through." He snarled, "You were about to betray me." How could he think like that. I have shown him nothing but loyalty and devotion. If I wanted to betray him I would've done so months ago. "And I have told you once before, I am not going to give all this up." I could see he was blinded by ambition.

"Look Jack this is not what it looks like. She is not what she looks like. Please Jack hear me out and let me explain." Jack only looked at me with dead eyes like something in him broke. "She is brainwashing you."

Jack just looked at me before smirking, "Brainwashing. She gave me everything and because of her..."

"She is a killer Jack. She is only using yo..." I grabbed onto his arm, pleading, begging but instead he pulled his hand roughly and with a small shoved I lost my balanced a fell to the floor while protecting my stomach. I don't think he meant it though because the next emotion I see in his eyes was regret. But something in him was stopping him.

Jack however didn't bother to help me up as I remained crouch on the floor. "Don't you ever talk about her like that." Instead he had cocked the gun in front of me and listening to it click, I was loosing my resolve. My patience. My everything.

This is it. He wasn't going to listen. His mind and heart is filled with her. Why would I try when he doesn't even want to hear what I have to say. Perhaps he does love her in some twisted way and I was just someone filling in her shoes until she returns. Maybe he was just waiting for her.

I am just tired and sick of this how dare he pushed me, granted it was an accident.. Where did all that self defense my dad had taught me.

He doesn't even know that I am pregnant for heavens sake. And now I am too scared to tell him. He would probably just terminate my pregnancy seeing he already has a daughter.

"Just shoot me." I yelled looking up at him. "If it makes it any better just kill me." I opened my arms wide welcoming what ever choice he makes. I can be with my family. I thought. This world sucks.

"You think it's that easy for you. Well you can watch me get married tomorrow." He scoffed before leaving me alone to myself.

As loud as I was I cried, I cried hard. And no one was here to wipe my tears. I had no parents to comfort me and I couldn't tell my friends and JJ, she had her daughter to take care off.

Dialing up my phone I called the one person who treated me like her own, "Child?"



Laying on her lap crying, she began to sing me a song to sooth me.

After my break down on the phone, Glenda rushed to my side and had taken upon herself to take care of me. She even made me some lunch.

I had been crying for past three days now and I take it Jack has already said his I Do's. "He is married." I chanted.

"Are you talking about that man who took you away?"


"Oh my child I'm sorry."

"It's fine, he can marry that bitch and live a happy life together."

"Jordan Richard! That is no way to talk." She scolded. "Now tell me who is this woman that he is marrying?"

I didn't want to say her name. Only saying her name puts a bad taste in my mouth but still, "Lily Cruz the woman from hell."

At the sound of her name, Glenda had dropped the tea she was drinking. "Lily Cruz. Did you say Lily Cruz?" She gasped in shock like that name meant something to her.

"Yes, did you know her?"

"" she looked away. I can tell she was hiding something from me.

"Glenda please tell me."

At my plea she opened her mouth and sighed, "I remember that woman. She is like a snake in sheep's clothing." I laughed at her analogy. "Maurice had a thing for her if you like..."

"Wait Maurice? Did you say Maurice? He knew her. How do you know?"

"Child when you lived in a house with people for years you hear things." She continued, "Though..." She paused seeming to be deep in thought, "It wasn't a very long fling. That woman is a manipulator and as I recall her and Maurice were talking about a business that your dad was in charge off."

"Dad?" I interrupted.

"Shush child and let me finish. Maurice had no interest in your dad's business but ever since he met that woman she changed his mind and that's when your parents were..." She paused.

"Dead. Are you telling me that she was the mastermind that killed my parents?" I screamed rising to my feet. No longer was I crying, I was now burning in rage.

Glenda just sat there looking guilty but she hadn't known had she. "Did you know Glenda? Tell me the truth! Did you know she had my parents killed?"

"Child, I'm sorry."

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