Part 5

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Turning around, your eyes grew wide and your body went stiff over the sudden shock of the person stood at the counter with their bag slung over the counter-top.

It was him.

Rolling your eyes, you began walking over to him at the front of the counter. 

Taking a deep breath before beginning to talk, you hoped it would somehow relax your nerves a little. 

"Hyung-jin, what are you doing here?" The sound of pure annoyance rang thick through your voice, as your prior anxieties of Mr 742 completely left you. 

"I just wanted to see your pretty face again!" The boy on the other side of the counter winked and gave you a cringey smile, which made your stomach churn.  

Hyung-jin was an extremely persistent guy. 

No matter how nice or how harsh you were when it came to turning him down, it never stopped him from showing up time and time again to see if he could magically change your mind. 

He just never could understand the clear message laid out in front of him; you simply weren't interested. 

It was now at a point where you'd completely stopped feeling any pity towards him. 

Now, you were just outrageously annoyed.

"Still stalking me I see." you sighed, bringing your hand to your head in frustration.

"Oh come on baby! You know you love it when I visit you!" he replied, his slimy grin so wide he could pass as the Cheshire cat.

"For the thousandth time, I am not your baby." you spat, the anger in you beginning to overflow.

"But babe-" Hyung-jin was cut short by a strangely familiar voice.

"Is this guy bothering you babygirl?" 

Your head snapped up in disbelief to see who was now standing right next to Hyung-jin.

Mr 742.

You could have sworn you felt your soul leave your body at the pure shock of his presence, standing there like a deer in the headlights while his words replayed in your head.


What the fu-

Even though his face was covered as usual, you were confident in assuming a satisfied smirk was covering his face underneath his over-sized shades and black face mask. 

"Babygirl?" Hyung-Jin started, eyes flickering between you and Mr. 742, "(Y/N), don't tell me you know this los-"

"I'd appreciate it if you stopped harassing my girlfriend while she's trying to work," Mr 742 spat, firing daggers through his black over-sized shades.  

 Hyung-jins mouth flung open, in unison with your own. 

"I-is this true (Y/N)?" Hyung-jin asked, as if all of his hopes were seemingly abandoning him.

You stood there shocked, panicking over how you should respond to this. 

"Did I f**king stutter?"

The harshness of Mr 742's tone was of another world, making you purse your lips in an attempt to hide your satisfied smirk.

"Excuse me!? Who do you think you're tal-"

"To the guy who's ass I'm going to have to kick if you don't get out of here in the next thirty seconds"

Mr. 742's eyebrows that were visibly raised above his sunglasses, made you believe for a moment that he might actually do it.

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