Part 33

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You spent the rest of your weekend flying under the radar as much as humanly possible.

Despite getting messages from both Taemin and Mr. 742, you made a deliberate effort to avoid them, instead distracting yourself to the best of your ability by watching back-to-back horror movies and discovering new fan-fictions online. 

And the newest addition to your Wattpad library actually proved to be quite impressive; 


The emotional and trying tale of Jung Hoseok, the literal sun in the dead center of the solar system. 

Very quickly Hoseok's gravitational pull grew to be so strong that a countless array of planets, moons and other space debris orbited around him, basking the bright sunshine he bestowed upon them.

But while he was incredibly happy to be able to brighten up all of those around him, he was incredibly lonely. 

For anyone that flies to close to the sun, is going to get burnt.


Well damn...

As you reluctantly minimized the Wattpad screen on your phone, you found yourself, once again, scrolling through your favorite online takeout menu.

How many times has it been already this weekend?

Like 5?

You lost count.

You weren't normally this frivolous or unhealthy, especially when you knew there was perfectly good food in the house for once. 

But ever since you found the note from your masked 'Genius' inside your fridge, you were terrified to reopen it, propping your only kitchen chair up against it as if a wild raccoon was living inside it or something.

It was childish sure, but so was the fact you were ignoring texts, so at least you were staying consistent.

After you had finished your meal and watched another two movies, you tucked yourself into bed and for the first time that weekend, you fell straight into a deep sleep.


As you woke up bright and early the next morning, you found yourself in a surprisingly good mood, blaring BTS's 'Dynamite' throughout your apartment on repeat as you got ready for work. 

You're not sure where this good mood had magically appeared from, but you weren't complaining, even managing to perfectly apply your eyeliner in one go, without having to just settle for your usual panda eyes of disappointment. 

Twins not sisters for once!

When you arrived at work you were far too distracted by the blessings of BTS blaring through your headphones, to even noticed that Hana or Ji-eun were already inside the cafe, walking right past them in a trance like state to the back room to set your bag down.

Reluctant to remove your headphones mid-song to sign into your shift, you stood there frozen and waited the extra 20 seconds necessary to respectfully close out the song you were listening to. 

By the time you walked back out to the front of the cafe, you were met by Ji-eun who was furiously tapping her feet at the sight of you. 

"Uh-hello?" you uttered out sheepishly.

Oh no...

What have I done now?

"Hello? Are you kidding!? OR That's it?! That's all I get!?" She bellowed, raising both eyebrows at you.

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