Part 11

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Looking around at the empty cafe, you felt a slight chill in the air from his apparent absence.

Where on earth is he?

Your heart sank in your chest as you turned to face Ji-eun again who was completely oblivious to your change in mood.

"I wonder if he has any cute friends that you could both set me up with," Ji-eun giggled, instantly snapping you out of your deep thoughts. "I seem to only attract the ugly ones..."

"Yah, that's your own fault for comparing every other guy on this planet to Park Jimin!" You snapped back, with a wide smirk on your face.

"Can you blame me for only wanting the best?" She whined back in self defense.

"Hmmm, that's debatable," chimed in an all too familiar voice.

Wait, what?

Your eyes grew wide as you slowly turned to see the man who was now stood behind you.

Mr 742.

Unprepared, you shot a look of sheer panic in Ji-euns direction. 

Having just come to terms over your feelings after talking with your best friend, it was way too soon for you to deal with your 'Genius' at this moment.

You nervously nudged Ji-eun forward, hoping she would serve him just this once today.

Thankfully she picked up on your sudden panic attack and was quick to take action and break the silence.

"Good morning!" she sang, trying to clear the air of any awkwardness. "Just the usual today? One tall black coffee and one hot chocolate?"

You stumbled over to the coffee machine, hoping a small amount of distance would relieve your fluttering heart from beating out of your chest.

Looking over your shoulder back to the counter, you watched as he slid his over-sized sunglasses down his nose and tilted his head to send you a look past Ji-eun.

Crap, he saw me staring at him!

"Oh-uh, you'll have to excuse (Y/N). She's not feeling so well today," you overheard Ji-eun try to make up an excuse for you.

"It's okay, she's just... in denial," he snickered back, sliding his glasses back up his face and placing his exact change on the counter for her to take.

"Not anymore," Ji-eun whispered under her breath.

"What was that?" Mr 742 shot his head back up at her.

"N-nothing!" she gleamed, smiling widely in the hopes of sounding more convincing.

Ducking your head back down not wanting to attract any more attention to yourself, you began grinding some fresh coffee for his order.

I'm already starting to regret this whole 'giving it a shot' idea...

Without looking up, you could feel the presence of someone shadowing over you on the other side of the coffee machine.

Of course, he couldn't just sit down patiently like a good boy and wait for his coffee, he had to come over and bother you some more, as if the hint of not serving him earlier wasn't already clear enough.

You felt beads of sweat form on your forehead as you struggled to focus making the coffee without acknowledging his approach.

"Going to keep ignoring me, Yoongi's girl?" He finally spoke, seemingly craving your attention.

He leaned in slightly, to close the gap some more between the two of you and that's when he must have caught sight of the large bags under your eyes.

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