Part 34

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The chime of the front door rang loudly in your ears, startling you as if you hadn't already heard the same sound a million times before.

Except this time it felt like an omen...




You turned onto your knees, lifting your head up above the counter ever so slightly so you could take a peak at whoever just came in.

Please don't be Mr.742.. Please don't be Mr.742!

As your eyes fixated on the stunningly handsome boy who had walked through the door, you felt a desperate amount of relief wash over you.

That was until your brain made the connection that while it may not be your masked 'Genius'...

It certainly was Taemin.


You ducked back down again, attempting to squeeze yourself into the tiny cupboard filled with coffee filters as if it could possibly help you.

"Yah! Don't be so pathetic!" Ji-eun tutted at you, kicking you in the shin and making you yelp. "Stand up would you!"

You were fairly set on living the rest of eternity in the tiny crevasse below the front counter, before you could hear someone conspicuously clearing their throat above you, the sound of it making you cringe.

Slowly and defeatedly getting to your feet, surely looking about as pathetic as you felt, you met Taemin's eyes.

"Hey Y/N! There you are!" He said with a bright smile, a hint of confusion no where to be found despite the fact he had just watched you peel yourself off the café floor.

"Uh- hey Taemin, how's it going?" you stuttered out, reaching behind your head to fix your hair anxiously.


Why is he even here..?

"I just came by to see how you were doing. You were dodging me all weekend and I was worried..."

You instantly felt guilty as he locked eyes with you, his bottom lip jutted out slightly resembling a puppy that had just been kicked.

"A-Ahh... I'm really sorry about that," you started, your mind racing to come up with a good excuse. "I was just uh- super hungover and slept through the entire weekend."

"Oh yeah, she was totally out of it. I couldn't get in touch with her either!" Ji-eun interjected, making you want to plant a kiss right on her gorgeous and helpful face.

At this Taemin nodded, seemingly accepting the blatant lie at face value.

This boy is seriously too good for me...

"Well... um, if you're sure you're okay. I was just really worried an......"

Without meaning to, your mind quickly tuned itself away from whatever Taemin had to say, your attention immediately fixating on the door behind him.

The triggering sound of the door chime rang through your mind like the echo of a nightmare, feeling all the color drain from your face when a familiar figure came into view from behind Taemin.


Frozen at the sight of him, you couldn't move.

You wanted to run.

No, you needed to run.

You were just about to make a move for it when a hand waved in front of your face, dragging your attention reluctantly back to Taemin.

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