Chapter 5

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It has been a week since Tiffany joined SoShi University. Every lesson, when Taeyeon is being reprimand for sleeping or not paying attention, Tiffany will secretly smile to herself and admire that cute boy. Taeyeon on the other hand, tries to keep awake in class so that he could look at Tiffany the whole day without her knowing. Most of the time, he fails to keep himself awake, that is why the teacher caught him sleeping.

Yuri has been keeping quiet the whole time in class. Some students suspected that the basketball captain is bored of Jessica Jung. Girls start to dump love letters in his locker. Some even put gifts at his desks during break time, so Yuri wouldn't know who those secret admirers are. But he is not in the mood. Every day after school, Taeyeon and him will either go back to their dorm or go for basketball practices.

Jessica, as usual, is sleeping every lesson in class. Sometimes, she and Taeyeon will be punished together, and that got Tiffany jealous. Tiffany even feel like trying to sleep whenever Taeyeon is sleeping but as a new student, she doesn't want to get punished and who knows if her dad will send her back to States. Jessica, the cold blooded princess, doesn't feel happy nor sad that Yuri finally shuts his gap whenever he sees her. Or maybe, she is afraid to show her feelings?


It is Mathematics class again. Tiffany hates this boring lesson. She will never understand why we need algebras in real life. However, Taeyeon loves it. He is a pro in math.

"Okay class. After the mini test we had 2 days ago, I realize that more than 40% of you here do not completely understand topics 1 to 10. This is terrible! How will you be able to do well in your major exams?!" Ms Lee furiously slammed her desk.

Jessica got shocked and jumped up from her sleeping position. She looks at Tiffany with a frown and mouthed, "What the hell is wrong with her?" as she points at Ms Lee.

Tiffany just smiles sadly at Jessica and looks down.

"Students who failed this time will be paired up with a personal tutor none other than your own class mates. Temporary tutors are to try their very best to help the students. Students who continue to do badly, their partners will be punished too." Everyone starts to groan and pray that they are not paired up with anyone.

Ms Lee slowly read out the students who failed the test and their partner that will guide them.

Lastly.. "Tiffany Hwang. *Sigh* I know you are a new student but please try to keep up. Your partner will be.. Kim Taeyeon."

Taeyeon and Tiffany mouths open widely and stared at the teacher. Then they turn and have eye contact with each other. "Shit." Taeyeon whispers. Tiffany heard him and she couldn't help to feel bad.

But I could take this chance to know him more... - Tiffany thought.

When the bell rings, Tiffany slowly walks to Taeyeon's desk and lightly knocks to wake the sleeping Taeyeon. Taeyeon woke up with his blur face.

Keke he looks so cute with his sleepy face. - Tiffany thought

"Um.." He looks around and noticed Tiffany standing infront of him. "Yes?" He looks away as soon as he speaks. He still can't find the courage to look into those charming eyes.

"Sorry that I've implicate you." Tiffany said, referring to earlier on.

"It's ok." Taeyeon tries to act busy as he packs his bag.

"I can tell Ms Lee about it and see if she is willing to change.."

"It's ok." Taeyeon stood up and pulls Yuri on his way out.

Why must he be so cold towards me..? I'm really sorry Taeyeon but I'm actually glad my partner is you.. - Tiffany thought


"Yuri oppa!!! Please accept this!" A girl push a branded basketball, imported from North America.

The lifeless Yuri became energized all of the sudden, which actually shocks Taeyeon that is daydreaming beside him. "WOW!" Yuri took the ball from the girl.

"This..!!! This is from.. America?!" Yuri turn the ball around and look at the brand printed on it.

"Yes oppa! This is for you.." The girl looks down shyly and plays with her fingers.

"Thank you so much! This must be expensive.. How much does it cost? Let me pay.."

Before Yuri could finish talking, the girl cut him. "No oppa. Take it!" The girl pushed back the ball that Yuri shove it to her.


"It's a gift for oppa. Bye~" The girl turn and jog away from Yuri before he return it to her again.

"WAIT!" He chased her.

"What is your name, miss?" Yuri smile and asked nicely.

"Yoona" The girl did not dare to look up at Yuri the whole time.

"Thank you Yoona ssi. If you don't mind, let me treat you a meal some other time?" Yuri tilts his head. "Can I have your number?" Yuri smiles and took out his phone.

The shy girl nod and took Yuri's phone to key in her number.

"Thanks. I will contact you. See ya!"

Jessica and Tiffany were looking the whole time. Jessica let out an angry breath from her nose and Tiffany saw it. She smirks and teases her best friend. "Jealous?"

"No. Why would I?" She rolled her eyes at her friend and turns back her vision to Yuri.

"He is targeting new girls again." Jessica said to herself.

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