Chapter 54

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"Uncle Kim, Tae omma, good morning." Tiffany smile sweetly as she bow to Taeyeon's parents.

"Oh Tiffany!" Taeyeon's mother went to Tiffany and gave her a big hug.

"Hi Tiffany! Glad to see you back here." Taeyeon's father greeted back with smile.

"Sorry for not telling you about my sudden arrival. I wanted to give Taetae a surprise last night."

"It's alright. We are glad that you made the effort to celebrate our boy's birthday. Take a seat."

Taeyeon sat beside Tiffany and places two eggs on her plate. "Thank you." Tiffany said as she rubs Taeyeon's hair cutely.

"Aww.. look at the both of you." JiWoong came down a little later than usual.

"Hi JiWoong oppa"

"Hi Tiffany, glad you are back. Taeyeon really misses you." He winked at Tiffany, which made Taeyeon jealous. "Please don't do that." Taeyeon said to his brother.

JiWoong just laughed at the silly brother.


"Did you guys.. do anything last night, Tiffany?" Taeyeon's mother asked carefully.

"Huh? Yeah, we celebrated and ate the cake.."


"and we slept?" Tiffany said confusedly.

"Omma!" Taeyeon shouted at his mother angrily.

"Tae!" Tiffany hit Taeyeon who is being disrespectful. Then she realized what Taeyeon's mother is trying to ask. "Oh, omma. We just slept. Taeyeon is having a headche last night after the party and I'm having a jetlag so.."

"Oh.. I'm just asking. Hahaha. Enjoy your breakfast." Taeyeon's mother sighs in relief and went back to the kitchen.


"So Tiffany, how long you are gonna stay in Korea?" Taeyeon's brother casually asked.

"Erm.. probably just a few more days."

"WHAT?!" Taeyeon shouted.

"Tae!!!" Tiffany frowned at Taeyeon's loudness, frightening her.

"You are going to leave me again?!"


"NOT FAIR!!!" Taeyeon slammed his cutlery and ran upstairs. Like a kid throwing his temper.

"Aish.. still so childish." Taeyeon's father shakes his head while JiWoong just laughed at Taeyeon.

Tiffany excused herself before she chased after Taeyeon.


She walked in the room silently and saw Taeyeon sitting on the sofa chair, curling up with his face hidden. Then she heard some sobs. She felt guilty for making her lover cry.

"Taee.." She sat beside him and hugged him sideways.

Taeyeon ignore the girl and continued crying.

"Taee.. please." Tiffany gently lifted Taeyeon's head. Her heart sank when she saw his face full of tears. She quickly wiped it away. "I don't like crying Taeng, okay?"

Taeyeon looked away and let the tears continue to fall.

"Tae you have to understand me.. as much as I do not want to leave you again.. I have to. I need to attend school."

"Then don't attend!" Taeyeon shouted at Tiffany.

"Why are you behaving like this? I thought you understand!"

Taeyeon continued crying.

"Tae please.. don't act like a child." Tiffany said with a hint of tiredness in her tone.

"You don't love me anymore! You always accepted my flaws. Now you hated me just because I'm childish and I don't think like a man!" Taeyeon snapped at Tiffany.

"Tae! I did not say that!" Tiffany stood up. She boiled at Taeyeon's words.

"We will talk when you want to talk nicely." Tiffany walked away. Leaving Taeyeon flustered.

"Fany! WAIT! I'm.. I'm sorry.." Taeyeon hugged Tiffany from the back, stopping her footsteps.

"I.. I just can't think straight due to the fact you're leaving again.. I'm sorry for behaving like this. I'm a jerk."

Tiffany turned her body and faced Taeyeon.

"No, you're not. You're my favourite." Tiffany tiptoed and kissed Taeyeon's forehead.

"How long more is your school going to be?"

"Approximately 6 months. I promise I will be back as soon as I finished schooling there alright?"

"Your dad allows you?"

Tiffany nodded. "He has given up since he knew I could not forget you. I begged him for a week until he finally agrees to let me return to Korea for your birthday."

"I'm sorry.. Thank you, Fany. Thank you so much.. You must have suffered.." Taeyeon hated himself for acting this way while Tiffany on the other hand is much more mature in handling their problems.

"At least I'm back for a few days. Right?" Tiffany flashes her eyesmile again to light up the atmosphere.

"Yeah.. I'm glad to have you here with me even if it is just a few hours." Taeyeon hugged the girl and smile widely.

"Oh! Hold on."

"What is it?" Taeyeon asked as he saw Tiffany running to her pink luggage, finding something.

"Your birthday gift." Tiffany uses her both hand and cutely handed it to Taeyeon.

"Woahh.. I got a gift !!!" Taeyeon jumped up like a child with a fist in the air.

"Silly.. open it"

"A pink tie?!" Taeyeon was shocked at the gift.

"WAE?! Don't you like it?! It is so pretty! Since you're going to be a man soon.. you will use it often."

"Hahhaah! PINK TIE!!!"

"YAH!" Tiffany sulked at Taeyeon's response.

"I LOVE IT! It's too pretty. Suits me." Taeyeon took it and place it right on his chest.

Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon, relieved that he liked it. "So.. does this means you will tie it for me every time I go to work in future?" Taeyeon winked at Tiffany.

Tiffany's heart skipped a beat at the sexiness Taeyeon's giving out. "Of course. I'll tie you with me. You can't leave anymore."

Tiffany took the tie from Taeyeon and put it around his neck and started tying it. "Every day I will say: yeobo, time for work, remember to miss me and work hard alright?"

"HAHAHAA I see you are impatient to get married to me, Miyoung."

"Yah! What?! And don't call me Miyoung!!!" Tiffany slapped Taeyeon's chest but still continue to finish up tying the tie.

"Isn't it true? Since you said EVERYDAY. Plus we don't get to see each other every day unless you live with me. And we can only live together if we are married!"

Tiffany is left speechless at Taeyeon's quick thinking. But she liked it. Taeyeon always make her feel so love. She really missed him so much. How she wish they will really be together every single day.

"Let's go on a date."

"Keke okay!" Taeyeon jumped up like a kid at Tiffany's suggestion.

"Hmm but I want to say hi to Yuri and Jess first."

"Sure. Let's go to Sica's house then. I will give Yul a call."

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