Chapter 14

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Two days later,

It's is a Monday again. Taeyeon and Tiffany went to study math after school as usual. Taeyeon feels more comfortable with Tiffany after that BBQ day.

"Oh.. you vase the flowers.."

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon and then followed his eyes to the pink carnations that he gave to her two days ago.

"Ha.. yeah.." Tiffany feels embarrass.

"Here." Tiffany passes the cup of water to Taeyeon and he smiles widely.

" Okay.. let's start."

Tiffany notices Taeyeon has changed quite a bit from the first day he knows him. He is able to speak up more to her.

"So, you understand this formula that I've just said?" Taeyeon points the book and look at Tiffany.

Tiffany that is staring at him as he teaches, didn't hear when him explaining.

"Oh!" Tiffany was startled, finally awake from her daydreaming.

"Sorry. I don't quite get it.." Tiffany looks down and feels bad that she did not pay attentively when Taeyeon is teaching her seriously.

Shit, he needs a mask when he is teaching.. He's too attractive.. - Tiffany thought

"It's okay. Let's me explain again, okay? Hear carefully.. Where's the pencil?" Taeyeon looks around and found the pencil in Tiffany's hand. He naturally took it from her but Tiffany didn't let go of the pencil. Taeyeon was shocked at their hands touching each other.

Tiffany then realizes that Taeyeon is holding her hand. No, holding the pencil, with her hand obstructing. She quickly let go of it. "S-Sorry.." Tiffany blushes at their sudden contact.

Taeyeon heart was beating fast when he felt her hand. So soft and smooth.

Omo this is the second time he touched my hand.. It feels so ..nice.. - Tiffany thought.

How I wish I can hold those hands..- Taeyeon thought unknowingly and quickly shakes it off his mind.


2 hours later, Taeyeon was doing his own homework when he gives Tiffany a few math questions to do. However, Taeyeon heard a little snore and saw the sleeping angel.

He smile and stares at her. She must be tired.. - Taeyeon thought

Taeyeon looks at his watch and realized it is already 6.30pm. "Oh! I should leave.." Taeyeon quietly packs his bag. Suddenly, something hit him hard on his head. "Ow!" Taeyeon rubs his head and saw Tiffany fidgeting.

"MM..pasta.. How much I've missed you.." Tiffany was sleep talking.

Taeyeon chuckled softly at the cute sight.

You must be hungry.. - Taeyeon thought.

"Hm.. pasta?" He muttered to himself as he makes his way to the kitchen.

"Ah!" Taeyeon found a packet of spaghetti in the top cupboard.

"Sauce.. sauce.." Taeyeon searches high and low again. "Yes! Sauce!" He makes a fist on the air.

Then Taeyeon's phone rang when he is preparing the woks and pans.

"Oh!" Taeyeon quickly runs to his phone, afraid that might wake Tiffany up.


"Hey bud, it's me! Where are you?"

"Erm.. Tiffany's dorm.."

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