Chapter 57

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During the same time when Yulsic is doing ah-hem..

"Tae.. Looking at the water reflection.. I feel like swimming. I still remember our first time swimming together. Kekeke."

"Mmm yeah.. someone is extraordinary sexy in her bikini. Oh lord.. SLURPS."

"Byuntae." Tiffany crinkles her nose cute at Taeyeon and the he rubs his nose against her nose playfully.

"Your byuntae."

Taeny took a seat along the river. Taeyeon is hugging Tiffany from behind as the girl leans on him.

"Shall we swim at your house?"

"NO!" Taeyeon rejected the girl immediately, which caused Tiffany to hit his thigh.

"I mean.. let's go somewhere else.."


"Shall we go Caribbean Bay?"

"Oh my god!!! YES YES!!!" Tiffany sit up and claps happily.

"Silly. Alright. We shall go the day after."


"Let's call Yulsic and Kryber couple to join shall we?"

"Sure! It's so gonna be so fun! I has been really long since I had some fun."

Silence filled the air for quite a while. Tiffany has a smile on her face as she is in Taeyeon's warmth. She looks at the water waving peacefully and the moon that is so beautifully rounded tonight. Taeyeon however smiles with a hint of sadness look on his face. He feels happy to have his beloved cuddling with him. But he is also at lost when he thinks about Tiffany leaving soon.

He took a deep breath and sigh. He tells himself to stop thinking so much and be happy with this beautiful girl in front of him when he can right now.

"Did you eat well over there, baby?"

"Hmm yeah~ Amercian food is really awesome. Missed those taste."

"No wonder I feel the weight.." Taeyeon teased the girl.

"Yah! You're saying I heavy now, huh?!" Tiffany slightly tilts her body and face Taeyeon who is laughing like a ajusshi.

"No matter how fat are you, I still love you." Taeyeon said with full of sweetness to his girlfriend which led Tiffany to smile brightly and turned her body back facing him again, lying in his embrace.



"I actually.. have quite a number of suitors in my current school.." Tiffany admitted. She feels that she shouldn't hide anything from him. Well, partly she wants to see his reactions.

"Well, I'm not surprised." Taeyeon said calmly.

"What? This is what you say when many guys out there wants to snatch your girl?!"

"Hahaha! Honestly I hate it. But it's a fact that you are a very charming girl. Especially with your beautiful eye smile that god has given you."

Tiffany blushes at the compliment. "So.. you're not going to do anything about it?"

"What do you want me to do? Go over there and warn all of the boys to stay away from my girl? Hahaha well, I could. Since I'm currently a free man."

"Yes! Come along with me."

"I'm just kidding, baby.."

"Hmph!" Tiffany folded her arms and pouted cutely.

"Anyway.. I'm confident that my girlfriend will not get involved with any of the guys, right?"

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