yuliy x hybridReader!

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You're a hybrid between a vampire and a human, you are known as a demon.(in this reality you and yuliy are close you've known eachother for 5 years) this chapter has been edited

This is a lime (like a toned down version of a lemon)


Letsssss beginnnnn


I stumble breathlessly through the researchers colorful garden.

I start to sweat as I shake uncontrollably, my breaths seem to grow more shallow as I desperately gasp for air. I try to focus on anything but the painful,aching memories of my childhood. I slide down the cold concrete pillar that stands stiffly behind me, into a sitting position while I feel the chilled wind blow and twirl around me.

All those voices, all those things I witnessed came rushing back to me as if trying to detonate a ticking time bom in my mind. Yuliy! That one line haunts my every thoughts that one voice I always adored was now the cause of my nightmares.
Out of frustration I grab onto my hair and squeeze onto it for dear life, as my teeth clench, I bury my head in between my legs. I desperately shake my head in hopes if drowning those awful voices out, in hopes of forgetting that day.

Dont loose control dont loose control, i don't want to be a burden to anyone, who knows I might even hurt someone.. I need to find a more isolated area

My blurred vision only added to my stress.


I walk through the empty halls, as a mental battle rages within me,its no normal battle, I've never felt what I feel now, and I don't know what to think I've never really.. Paid attention to these kind of frivolous feelings, and ontop of this I'm scared for what's to come in the future and ON TOP of that I can't stop thinking about yuliy. Huh I wonder what he's doing now, as I turn à corner my question is awnser ed when I see yuliy, crouching down at the foot of a pillar with his hands tangled in his hair and his head buries between his knees, he appears to be violently shivering and shaking his head as he mumbles words that I cannot make out to himself.

He seems to be in a state.. I should help him

I slowly approached him as I hear his heavy pants, I see his knuckles on his hands are white they've been clenched for so long, and he was wearing thin pajamas, there's no way he isn't freezing.

I was about to ask the typical question 'are you okay?' but I already know the awnser... He isn't okay,as I get nearer to his shaking figure he looks up at me, his eyes held a shadow.
,"y/n g..go away!" He shouts as he bares his teeth trying to be convincingly scary.

I let out a tierd sigh as I take the spot on the floor next to him.

Holy fuck this is cold

i take a deep breath as I recite what I would say to him ,"yuliy whatever it i-" I was interrupted by yuliy doing something that was highly unexpected. He had pulled me into a tight hug, as if he was holding onto a last hope, it makes me sad everytine I see him this way, I didn't even mind that he buried his face into the crook of my neck, I slowly hug back tightly.

Sometimes he gets like this sometimes he digs up the past, and it makes him feel all the emotions he always tries to push down, it makes him scared because he thinks of emotions as a weakness.

I lift his chin up with ease to meet my face, I stare straight at his dilating pupils that seemed to have a more promanant blue gleam to them, as his pupils dialate like crazy. I gather up all my courage, as my hand they lay on his chin caresses his cheek.
"Yuliychka please calm down, you're going to be just fine and no matter what.. I'll be here if you ever need anything. " I state this and a few seconds after his eyes have gone wide as he stared at me, his pupils go back to normal as the blue gleam seems to fade a little.

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