yuliy x reader oneshot

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So my last chapter got more attention than i expected (the first chapter not the lemon I made the lemon after this one)10 reads that's kinda a biggie for me 😄so thanks Taehyungie_Wolf !I've been meaning to update this more frequently when it gets more popular and when I got that first vote I decided to .

So you're basicly like in the last chapter except you're human
Bc I'm running outta ideas so gimme some ppl

On to the story~

Y/ns POV

I went to the dinner table as I saw everyone already sitting there eating in a comfortable silence.
The seat next to yuliy was the only one not taken so I sat beside him.
"what's the occasion?" I asked no one in particular because we normally didnt have dinner with everyone.

Willard took a sip of his wine then looked at me causing my eyebrows to questioningly arch.

"theres a new mission. " he spoke rather reluctantly.

My blood boils at this statement.
We were supposed to have 2 weeks off so why why? In the middle of it all did he have to ruin it. Everyone had worked their asses off and we earned this break I won't let anyone take this away from us.

"What mission?" I say trying to restrain the anger in my voice from showing, it kinda failed though.
Yuliy gave my hand a re-assuring squeeze as if saying
'It will be alright' this gesture slightly eased my rushing nerves.

"Well, Aaliyah has targeted us again, so we have speculated the timing of his next attack and will be preparing for when this might occur. " Willard informed us, in his matter-of-factly voice as he feircely pierced some broccoli with his fork.

Whenever I get something good it vanishes so quickly, I'm so sick and tierd of it. I was looking forward to a break, guess the only real break is after the final mission. Hooray back to work!

As I look down at my food, I've lost my appetite. I loudly drop my fork onto my plate, I get up, the wooden chair under me scraping the tiled floor creating a loud, unpleasant cRrR sound effect.

Everyones attention at the table had now been drawn to me as they all looked at me, their facial expressions showing me how they had each felt. Willard, as if daring me to make another move, glared at me

Obviously I glared back, this caused him to furrow his eyebrows even deeper between his eyes.

Yeah, that's right you wrinkly hoe.

I love Willard but he can be.. Too demanding and shitty sometimes.
I huff as i decide to make a final announcement, "We're on our break! It's like.. giving a child ice cream, on a hot as balls day, just to let them have a lick and then take it away!" then, without another word I stormed off.


Y/n ran off as everyone at the table quietly watched her.

I sighed.

Shes always had anger issues hell I cant bame her I'm also angry, she just had no way of holding it back.
I wanted to go to her to tell her everything's okay but Willard looked at her like he was going to murder her for leaving.

I longingly look at Willard, begging him with my eyes to let me go to her, even though I knew the awnser would probably be a stern ' no. '

"Go to her yuliy. " Willard said adding a annoyed sigh at the end
I didnt even stop to realise his statement suprised me .
I raced to the roof because I knew she would be there.
She always goes to the roof to clear her mind or escape from everyone.

I opened the door to the roof and stepped out seeing y/n sitting down while her beautiful e/c orbs were fixated on the night sky filled with stars.

I started to walk towards her, and sat beside her. I looked up at the sky too, but Id rather look at her.
"you know..."I start , "Willard was quite pissed at your reaction" I finish with a slight chuckle trying to lighten the weird mood that hung in the air
"yeah he was it's just every time I get something good something bad  happens " she states
I know I feel the same way

"yeah I know what you mean" I reply to her.
I stare at her while she stares at the moon. Shes so pretty her e/c eyes shine she has a slight smile on her lips.

I notice that she shivers a bit
I then take off my cloak and throw it at her She seems suprised
"thanks " she says as she puts it on.
This is it I wanted a place where I could confess my feelings for her I can only hope she feels the same way.
Here goes nothing..

"y/n " I say as I pull her frame into a tight, warm hug. She looks up at me, with those beautiful eyes if hers that I always loved..they were able to calm me, entice me or give me an even better feeling.. Lust I think it's called.
"yeah?" She says with her eyes glistening.

Shit shes too GODAMN CUTE.

,"I...." the words get stuck in my throat, they didn't want to come out in a slight fear of her not feeling the same way.
Cmon stop being a p*sasy and just tell her.
Unconsciously my grip tightened on her.


He looked worried like a million and one things were flashing through his eyes. I was curious, I wanted to know the burden he had ,and I wanted to share it.

I want to help him say whatever he wanted to say.
I wanted him in more than one way but obiously I could never tell him for the possiblty that he would think I was weird .

He was swimming in a pool of confusion I saw it in his eyes then that pool seemed to evaporate as determination shone on it.

He looked down at me with his determined eyes making me jump internally .
Fuck what's happening to me?

"y/n I know this isnt really the time to be telling you what I am telling you because weve still got alot to get through to get to the ark, but I need to tell you it's been eating me up inside! it's been the only thing i can think about.

The only thing i can think about is you y/n, the way you always look so gorgeous ,how your name perfectly slides off my tounge when I say it ,how I'm always happy when I see you how, I hate it when any other guys make moves on you how I want you to be mine and only mine .

This weird feeling I get in my heart when I see you ,the other feeling in my stomache , and the only way I can satisfy those feelings is by being close to you but they're always still there .

I always have you on my mind ,I care about you a lot and I would even go as far as to say I....I
I love you ! Fuck I goddamn love you y/n ! I love you too much for my own good ! I would give up everything and anything just to spend a day with you not a care in the world .." he finishes.

My mouth drops open as I'm consumed with a mixture of emotions.. Happiness, shock, love, sadness and many more. this caused tears to well in my eyes.

He really thought all that about me?

I've got to tell him I feel the same but I just cant find words to Express how much I love him.

"I...I'm sorry if that was too mu-" he started

I cut him off by connecting our lips
My hands were against his chest as his were on my back

We parted and I led kisses up his jaw to his ear.
"I...I feel exactly the same I ..I want to Express how I feel about you but words cant describe how much I love you yuliychka" I whisper into his ear

His breathing hitched once I said that.
God i wanna be with this guy forever


Sooo? How did i do ?i made sure to edit it as well . Give me ideas people i need them even if it's from another anime that's fine
If you care enough to read my sloppy writing thanks! 😃😃

LMAO sorry, just realized I had a nagito moment at the end there. Danganronpa fans wya

Anyway, until next time ✧*。

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