yuliy x reader juicy lime pt 2

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Willards POV

I walk through the empty halls of the doctors home .why? You ask?
Simply because I cant sleep and partly because yuliy said he saw his older brother a few days ago .

I've trained yuliy well , but he is just so defiant at times. I need to fix that.

And dont even get me started on
y/n shes and amazing fighter and listens to orders , except she likes to listen to her heart more and she likes to take her own way.

And when you put those two together it doesnt end well , yuliy and y/n need to focus on thier missions at hand and not on eachother I know this seems a bit much of me to do but I've been making them more distant and I myself feel guilty of it but until yuliy gets the ark he will have no distractions and he always looks at y/n .

I purse my lips as I continue walking I'm currently walking on a path in the flower garden .

I breathe in the warm breeze as I  close my eyes . It calms me to think about my next action

As I open my eyes I see something that should never have happened I told yuliy to not start anything serious until only after he gets the ark and we are sure he and y/n are safe .

I see them biting each others faces off ...no devouring them .
The forbidden sight was not pretty to whatch and it could not go on

"... Goodness.. Just stop.. " I say as I feel a burning rage fill me .
They seemed startled by me and broke the kiss, but not the contact on eachother .

Yuliys glare he gave me could shoot a person it was so intense but I held my composure same with y/n

Yuliys POV

Standing there the person I see it Willard...ugh why does he have to do this just let me be happy!

And yes his voice is bitchy hes always talking to me about if I get hurt or y/n gets hurt we will miss them more than we did before....blah blah blah

Willard clears his throat then continues
,"no you guys cant be getting intamite "

Intamite? It was just a kiss what the actual fuck I'm really mad now.

Y/n walks forward giving Willard a glare ,"why dont you leave us to do what we want?I get it that you want us to focus ,but how can we focus if we're being kept apart ?" She asks him.

Willard just looks at her the same expression on his face
,"you guys will refrain from being alone together " he says coldly

My blood boils at that comment when y/n and I were kissing I thought of so many things I wanted to do to her.

Like take her on a first date (when te mission is over ) and give her the world .

Now it's like he is locking me in a cage while dangling that dream infront of me.

And when people controll me ,it doesnt end well
I run a hand through my hair in frustration.

,"Willard w-" y/n starts but I interrupt her
,"FINE we wont do anything like that okay?" I say giving up because Willard is blinded by judgement .

Y/n just looks at me a bit saddens
She then storms off in the direction of the hallway that leads to the rooms.

Ryokos POV (bonus pov)

I walk through the flower garden seeing the red roses that are shining from the moonlight .

I cant sleep because I'm too hyper ,and partly because I cant stop thinking about yuliy.

I came out here in Hope's of finding him I know he always stands infront of the Rose's and just looks at them and thinks .

He is so mysterious not to mention he has the most amazing blue eyes ever that glow abnormally and send shivers down my spine.

I have this desire... this want to get to know every inch of him. He has the most amazing hair .

His spotless pale skin shines and his smile is amazing and it should be preserved in history.

I'm just obsessed with him.
Ugh just y/n is always with him following him around like a little dog .

Shes nice and pretty but..she just cant leave yuliy alone for one second!

I turn a corner and see Willard standing infront of y/n and yuliy who were holding eachother.i quickly hid behind a pillar

What !? He was holding her on the hips I felt disgusted. Why her what does she have that I dont?

I must've zoned out for a bit because when I came back to reality I heard  Willard say ,"no you cant be getting intamite" .

I perked up at that a little spark of somewhat joy forming in myself maybe I could get him to like me now.

,"why dont you leave us to do what we we want? I know you want us to focus but how can we focus if were forced apart!" I hear y/n shout.

,"you two will refrain from being alone together. " Willard says as he clears his throat .

,"but-" y/n starts then yuliy interrupts
," FINE we wont do anything like that okay?" He says .

I hear footsteps becoming louder and I freeze thier coming towards me .

Y/n walks past me looking a bit shocked at first but that quickly turned to anger

,"hope you enjoyed the show.." She says coldly as ashe leaves but she never shouted it .

So does this mean I could have a chance with yuliy now?yes I really really hope so!


Yes I'm sorry I was supposed to have this chapter out last night but I fell asleep ~_~ so sorry but I hoped you enjoyed !

Have a wonderful day/night kittens ~🍃😘

Kat out~🐈🍃

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