Chapter 1 Seeing Ghosts

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A/N: "Welp guess I'm doing this now."

Ghost: "Doing what Hunter?"

A/N: "Writing the first chapter, hope I get better at doing these."

Ghost: "You can only improve by practice Hunter."
A/N: "Thanks Ghost, so now fellow guardians on to the next chapter "Seeing Ghosts"
F/N prospective

It's been a few days days since I had left that hell hole and was now surviving out in the woods. Well surviving may be relative, more like running from Grimm. Now i've been running through the forest in Patch from a single pack of Grimm, consisting of a single ursa and 5 beowolfs for the past hour.

F/N: (FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUUCK! Do these thinks ever stop RUNNING!)


(Shit. Now you may be asking F/N, you have a gun, just shoot the Grimm. Now that would be a good idea if I knew how to use a gun in the first place and that if had any ammo. Course last time I checked it Qrow never gave me any fucking ammo, Thanks author!)

A/N: "Wow easy on the first wall breaks their bud these things are expensive."

*F/N and all the Grimm stop and look at A/N*

F/N: "Well it's your fault that it's not loaded"

A/N: "Well would it have been smart to give a 8 year old a loaded gun without any training on how to use said gun?"

F/N: "Ok when you put it that way it does sound pretty stupid to hand me a loaded gun."

A/N: "Exactly now keep running from those Grimm while I fix this damn wall, *sigh* this is going to take a while"

F/N: "Oh right the Grimm" *turns around* "OH FUCK THE GRIMM, SHIT!!!"

They nashed their teeth and charged. So I make a 180 and go into a full on sprint as the Grimm begin the chance me again.

???'s prospective

After going through the portal the Traveler made for me and I begin to look around noticing I'm in a forest, but not much like what I've seen before.

???: "Wow this is pretty, lot like the EDZ back home, less Fallen too. Now we're was that.."

F/N: "Oh you got to be kidding me!"

???: "Found him."

??? flouts over to see F/N up against a cliff face surrounded by what looked like. Black wolves and a Bear with bone armor?

???: (Well that's new, but how can I help him though?)

Just as ??? finished that thought one of the black wolves lunged and slashed F/N across the chest, causing him to be smashed into the cliff.

???: (*sigh* Better get ready for a rez, oh what's that?)

As ??? was watching as F/N starts to glow and golden fire started to surround him before he took out a hand cannon from his pocket and unleashed 6 fiery shots that incinerated the Grimm before collapsing.

???: "Solar light! So he really is the one!" *I flout over to his body.* "Guardian are you ok?"

F/N's prospective moment's before

After getting slashed in my chest by one of the beowolves I fell back and hit the cliff I was pinned against.

F/N: (Damn it I can't die here, I just got out of that hell hole and what would Qrow do if he found out I was dead? No I can't die here, I won't!"

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