Chapter 2 The past and the present part 1

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A/N: "Wow people are reading my fan fiction. Welp forward hooow!"

Ghost: "Hunter it's almost time for... What are you doing it's the revelry is going on go outside."

A/N: "Ghost you and I both know my I'm not allowed out so after the "incident". I'll stuck in here till tomorrow, so go injoy it with out me or help me with this."

Ghost: "*grumble* fine I'll help."

A/N: "Great so now fellow guardians it's time for chapter 2 The past and the present."

A/N: "Also I'm going to change how things are done () are still thoughts, and "" are then the talk, and bold is my thoughts. Actions and scene description will just be normal text."
Timeskip 10 years
F/N's Prospective


F/N:(Ok it's going to be one of those days an't it.) I sighed as I lowered Last Word when Star appeared.

Star: "Guardian are you ok!"
She said then noticed the now destroyed alarm clock on the ground.

Star: "You did it again didn't you."

F/N: *I rubbed the back of my nape and chuckled* "Ha ha yaaaaa."

Star: "That's the third one this month F/N."

F/N: "Ya and probably not the last."

I say as I get out of bed and start getting dressed.

Star: "You know what day it's don't you?"

F/N: "How could I forget Star, it's the 10th anniversary of when we met and I found out about me powers."

I say as I make a ball of light in my hand that switches between the 3 elements.

Star: "And it's been a crazy 10 years."

F/N: "Oh! Remember when I first figured out how to use my Arc staff."

Star: "How could I not, that was still one of the biggest hordes of Grimm we have ever faced."

Flashback 3 years sense you met Star

F/N: (It had been three years since I had met Star and learned about my powers.)

Throughout those three years I'd learned to master the Golden Gun and figured out Blade Barrage, ha the landlord was So mad about that mess i made after that. Going to have to look for a new place. Ok so finally got another mission. This time to protect a village from a horde of Grimm.

We arrived at the front gate of the village clad in my all too familiar armor, my old cloak flapping in the wind, Last Word strapped to my hip.

(You don't have your current cloak yet.)

F/N: "Star this the place?" I asked as she materialized in front of me.

Star: "Yes F/N this is the place."

F/N: "Cool so the guy we were supposed to talk too. What was his name again?"

Star: "I believe his name was Saladin, funny it's sounds familiar."

F/N: "Really, well let's see if we can find this guy."

We make are way into the village through the front gate and as we do we are approached by a few men in leather armor and rifles strapped to there backs.

???: "Who are you and what are you doing here. We don't want any trouble." He said unslinging the rifle and leveled it at my head.

F/N: "Easy now." *I raise hands over my head.* "I took the job that said to talk to a guy named Saladin. Do you know him?"

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