Part 6

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You looked out the car window on the way to your house. Klaus was driving and Rebekah was sitting behind him. You were sitting behind Elijah, the man who had been in your mother's room with Klaus yesterday. You may have pulled yourself out of your physical cocoon, but you were still determined to keep pretending all of this was just a dream.

You got out and started walking when the car pulled up to your house. The door hadn't been locked, so you just pushed it open and walked in. You were headed straight for your room.

You hesitated in the doorway. The entire reason you were here was to pack whatever you wanted to take back to the compound. Despite your insistence on this being a dream, packing your things and leaving your home felt...real. Too real.

Not wanting to face questions on your hesitation, you forced yourself to enter your room and start. You came across pictures of you with your parents through the years. You made sure to take those. You carried the small box of things out of your room and stopped when you were about to pass your mother's room. You decided to see if there was anything in there, too.

Setting the box on the bed, you rummaged through everything you thought she'd hide something in. You came across the picture from your christening.

Your mother was in the center, holding you. Your father was on her left, an arm around her shoulders. On her right was Klaus, hands clasped behind his back. All of them were smiling.

"I remember when that picture was taken," Klaus said from behind you.

You nearly jumped out of your skin. You spun around.

"That was the only time I saw you after you were born," he continued as if he hadn't just scared the hell out of you.

"That's not true," you argued. "I remember seeing you outside my middle school at least once a month. Mama was pissed at you for that, you know."


"Something about danger and enemies. I'm not entirely sure."

You turned back around, set the picture in the box and left with it.



You lifted your head up from your book. Klaus was leaning against the doorway.

"Mind coming with me?" He asked. "There's something I want to show you."

You nodded and cleaned your things up. Slipping on some shoes, you followed him to his car. You had no idea where he was taking you, which was a bit unnerving.

Finally, the car pulled to a stop. You raised your eyebrows at the trees in front of you. You got out of the car and followed Klaus through the trees, hoping he knew where he was going. And that he wasn't about to kill you, because honestly this was the type of thing serial killers do.

He suddenly stopped, and you nearly ran into him. You peeked around him and saw a small hill in front of you. He started walking again, so you, not sure what the hell was going on, followed him up the hill.

You froze when you reached the top. There were two headstones. One was sitting behind a small mound of fresh dirt. The other was noticeably older, surrounded by grass. You drew just close enough to read the first headstone. You didn't need to read the second one; you already knew it was your father's. On the first one was your mother's name, birth date...and death date.

In that moment your world crashed down around you. The cocoon you had so carefully crafted broke, and in poured the awful realization that your mother really was dead.

You pressed your hand to your mouth in a vain attempt to stifle your sobs. Your vision blurred with tears and your knees buckled. Klaus caught you and held you to him, not saying a word.

Life as you knew it was gone along with your mother, and now you had to somehow pick up the pieces and continue on.

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